442 Thespirit of Cbrifil Chrigioitit COPeort; 3, Aritoradre/f, Friends, taates, Relations, Credit, and Ho; nour, and outward comforts, thefe may be denied, you may be cal. Ed to part with them; but if they come in competitionwith Chrift, they mufl be denied. 2. You mull rake up the Crofs of Chriff , rather than forfake his honour , or difobey his commands. You muff refolve to follow Chia wherefoever he fhall lead you , either in a way of adive and pafliveobedience; you muff take up Chriffs load, youmua undergo his burden. Now Chillians, are you refolved upon this ? now fit down and confider what it wilt colt you to be ChriRians ; and if you would have the belt, you muff be contented with the worff ; and if you are refolved upon this , then you are the true Difciples of Chrift, and you are under the promife of his comfort, and Chrift it praying the Father to fendyea another Cornforeer,who fhall abide withyore far ever. 2 up of Exh,rtation. 2 life Is of Exhortation, wherein 1 01111 apply my fell to-the true Difciples of Chrift, thofe that have had communion withChrift in his fanetiying, pretence.? labour after communion with him in his comfo ringpretence. To all others, that are without theSpirit of God , I may fay,, as yehm to jehoram What haft those to do with thefe things? Labour tobe convinced of the need and want of Chria ; but fah as have been partakers of the Spirit of Chria as a fan&ifying labour after communion with him as a comforting Spirit ; and to this end I (11111 air you up to this, t. ''y way of Motive. a. By wry of Comfort. Fira , By way of Motive. Though youhave forme comfort, it is but little in comparifon of what you may have, and in comparifon of what you may f}and in need of , though a Sainr would not change the faddefl hour of his life for the fweeteft hour in his former condi- don. If the Saints of God did enjoy the comforts that they might, oh what bleffed lives might they live I but they a e fo full of trouble, as if there were no Holy Ghofl the Comforter. The people of God are oftentims troubled without a caufe ; as that holy man, why art thugcall down oh my foul? He couldnot render a true account of his touhl .4he was fid, but hecould not tell why orwherefore,. 2. 'VG 11.-:n there is caufe , they are apt tobe troubled without rn'31,)re. In thole cafes, where it is a fin not to be troubled at all, the people of God ate apt to he troubledover-much, as the Ifraelites in their bondage in Egypt. It were a fin for them not to be trou- bled