The Spirit ofChu , a Chrifliant comfert. 445 leek it fome other wav ; if hehath nor comfort from the Spirit of God, he will leek fome Afprks of his own kindling; rather than they will fit in darknefs witinout znmfort , they will light their Candle at the Devils fire : And a:'; he delivereth from temptation on the right , fo he delivereth from temntgion on the left hand ; he that i5 filled with the comforts of the Holy Ghorl , what are fufferings to fuch a man ? He hath that within him that will carry him through all dan- ger here is that comfort , and that life by Chrifl , which may eafe us in our greateft croifes; this will make a Child ofGod fpeak of the fufferings of this world as a light matter. Our light afili&ion,which is but-for a moment, than workout for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory : They cook joyfully the fpoyling of their goods , becaufe in Heaven they had a bettef , and more enduring. fubfiance, Heb. receiving I. 3 5. Some were tortured, o no deli- verance, be.caufe in Heaven they had a better fubfIance. Oh, if you would be kept from the fnares of the world , let your comforts be above the power and danger of temptation from any thing here below. 3. By way ofDire&ion.. How Rill( we have communion , and a&Faith upon the holy Gholl as your Comforter? The holy Ghof+ is defigned and appointed by God the Father to this Office : Now you know none love tobe flighted in their Office; and if we do not a&Faith upon the holy Choi+ , we flight his Office ; therefore we fhould have recourfe to him in a way of believing : As we fhould at Faith upon aril+ for the pardon of fin , we fhould a&Faith upon the holy (Aloft, for a ferife of that paron. 2. Go often to Jefus Chrifl , and beg him,and befeech him to in- treat the Father for you.Go to God the Father in the name'of Chrif+, and beg it upon the account of Chrills prayer and interceflion , that he would fend cl:e. Comforter ; and you have good argument to in- force the Petition, the very fame as the Difciples , That Chrifb would, when he went away , fray.the Father , and he (hoall fend you another Comforter. Chria tells them , that fome there were that 'Would kill them, and in fadoing, think they did God good fervice ; therefore Chrif+, in compaffion to them, in the Rate that he left them in, prayer the Father, that he wouldfend the Cornfvter. So now we muff go to God, thofeMinifiers that were wont to comfort us , are now to be taken from us; our Barnabofft, Song of ccnidarion, their mouths are to be flopped, thoughOrdinan..:es are now to be dammed up, the Houfes of God made pl=aces of defilemen ; our Teachers are removed into corners, our troubles ic,..reafe, and wehave none to tell us how lono- thehriolm of our eyes th- owr hearts, 3 4.