Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

446 The Spirit ofChriff, aarifliant Comfort, iii refiea of outwardmeans, are going from us ; whither fhall we go ? we want'bread for our fouls, we want cordials for our hearts, Ble.tled Saviour pity us / and hnce thoumit not come to us in thy own prefence, as thy Emhatiadors do cotte to us by thy Spirit, do now in Haven as thou dicta on earth, pray the Father for at ; do not leave us as to many Orphans, without Father or Mother, but fend thy Spirit to refreih our souls : S_e how we are hated and re. viled , and we mutt fuffer thofe things new, Let us have thy Spirit. 3. If you would have communion with the Spiritof Chriff in his comfoLting wo k, Take heed that you do not t up your comforts in the creature. This is for to feek for the living among the dead ; thofe chat rejoyce in the creature, rejoyce in a thin. of nought , and you that have an intereti in God, God will not take it at your hinds, to feek is any where elle, no, not in Ordinances ; rho' gh God would have you to feekcomfort in Ordinances, yet he would not have you to feek comfort Lom Ordinances.- 4. Set down, and be much in duty, Pfa/. 63. 5, 6. My foul fhall befatisfied ith marrow andfatheffe, my mouth (hall praefe thee with joyful lipr, when 1 re0m,mker thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night- watches. If you look at the beginning of the Pfalm, you fhall find that this Pfalnl was penned when Dmidwas deprived of the Ordinances of God. Many a man complains that he lives uncom- fortably, no wonder, when he little thinks on Chrifi. 5. Be much in the exercife of grace, 71 n they walked in the far of the Lord, wh:n they walked in the comforts of the Holy ghaft. 6. Take heed of quenChing and grieving the Spirit, your Com- forter, by negleeting his motions, or by acting any thing the mind of the Spirit : Donot fin againft him, as your eulightning Spirit, that will hinder him as your Comforter. I clofe with a word of Comfort to the people of God. If it bz one of the great works of the spir:t of God, here is matter of great comfort to thole that Rick clofe ro jefus Chrir+, z. Sure cur comforts will be fatisfying Comforts, futEchnt, be- cau re they are comforts of the Spirits wo king. Ihe Lord J.:fus h romifi-d to make tit, the woos of his bodily prefence, by tending his spirit He was rowgoing from them, and tells them: That he mill not fi and this was fad noires to the Ditciples, who were teady to break r hvir ii a ts, ,rd the bet3'cnfnCortw thar he could afford them, was to tell them, That he' would foelthe Comforter, If Chril can comfort his people in theabfet.ce bf hiintelf, Purely he can comfort theta