The Spirit ofdrift, a arilliant Coinfort: 447 them in thewant of all o.her comforts, that relate either to foul or body ; and fo in the want of mercies, in the want of outward Ordi- nan,:c,,i, he can comfort the foul. it is the Spirit of God that can corn to,:tlin thdhieof the fe ; and, if he will, he can do it in the want of diem, he can comfort us in the wilderneffe where no water is t.. when he doth deny the taxares, he can comfort us without where he denies the ftream, he can make us drink out at the Founain. 7. and Lally, Thepeople of God find hereby, that their torn- forts are abiding. Your liberty, your .friends , ah ! Ordinances and Miniffers may be taken from yOu t your .Minifters may be banifh'd, your Minifiers may be imprifon'd ; but here is a Con-S.1'0nel.. that abides for ever. And though they may keep your Minifiers out of the Pulpit, yet they (hall net take theCom- forter out of your hearts : So that when I than not Preach anymore toyou, I (hail pray the Father, that he wouldfendyou another comfor- ter, that he may abidewithyou for ever. Mr. Bull ofNevvington-Green Bit FarewellSermon in the Afternoon. Mks 20. 3 2. And now Brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of Jur Grace, who it ;Ike to buildyou up, and to giveyou an inheritance a- mong.thtm that Are ,r4n11; fed. THe words are part of Sr. Paul's Farewel-Sermon, or Difcourfe to the Elders of thc.. Church ofEphrfus, one of thofe famous (even Churches of that we read of in the Bookof the Revela- tions. It is not AC be doubted, as Calvin doth Comment upon the place, that tho,Th the Apoille fpeaks immediately to the Elders, yet doth comprehend thewhole Church in the Speech. Our Holy Apofilehad been a long time with the Church, preach- ing among then), taking pains with them, both in publick and pri. vate, as you may fee in the, 20 verfe, and declares to them the whole Councel of God, verfe 27. and now being called away, taken off by Divine Providence, by the will of his Maffer, the lafl and befl office that he thought he could do for them was to commit them to the Mmm care