44g The PafforS FareWel to bic People care of God, and to leave them in his Arrns,and to recommend theta to his Grace. It would be more than the time would permit, to look over the whole AnoftlesSermon, which is partly Narrative,and partly Confo. latory : Narrative, to put theth in mind in what manner he had preached to them, fromverf. 17. toverf. 27. And.it's partly Con- lolatory, from the z7. to the Text, wherein the Apoftle could hold no longer, but his love conitrains him, and makes him to break forth into this pathetical vvifh, or rrther prayer, And novo Brethren,' com- mendyou to his Grace. As if he had laid,- I am ital.+ noW going from you, not knowing that 1 fhall fee your face any more ; now I am a dying man, as to my converfing with you anymore ; now I am de. parting, this is the befi Legacie I can bequeath unto you, To con. mmdyou to God, and to his grace. And he (peaks to perfons as (land- ing in the fame relation with God and ChM, and having the fame Fa her, and the fame elder 13-other : As if he fhould have Paid, you are as near tome as my own fl,-.111, as if you were my brethren by Confanguinity, and it is my forrow that I mutt leave you ; but as it is my greitefl griefto part with you, yet I mutt leave you ; and this is the comfit, that I (hall leave you in fafe hands, I do not leave you to the wide world, 1 do not leave you as Orphans without a Father, as fheep without a fhepherd, but I commetidym to God, ancito his grace. 0 harpy word ! Though I routl leave you, yet I true God, whois able, will keep you , as God is prefent every where by his Effence, 10 1-y his gracious prefence more efpectally God is prefent with his people. I commit you, I commend you to God, !commit you to his care, to his keeping ; fo the word tignifies, fo Ravanelats intep press the worr,-s. Itrutt you with God, I leave you as a do p, rittim iii Gods hands, as a dying man leaves his children in a friends hands, to lookafter them , as Chill did his Mother in ,john's hands, fo the Apoille leaves theEphrft4tes in the bands of God, and to tke wd,-dof bis ewe that is, the Gofpel that he had declared to them. Tbe Vsio d of in Scripture is often called his grace, a, Car. 6. Ephefe 3. 5. becaufe it is a Ds;tlaration of the free grace of liod to poor fouls, and becaufe it is. the Spirits infirument to work g-ace in the hearts of (inners. This is remarkable, that after the ApoRle had recommend, d bern to' God, he adds one word, of hisgrace He cloth not think it Aroggh to mention recommending them to God, but to the word of Ks gace. The Expreffion is not for Euphanixgra la, it is no tau.. woo.ty 1.3 not for more then needs, but to Phewhow needful, and how