Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

45° The Fagotf Farewelto bit People the Saints at Ephefits after his departure ; or if you will, you have the Apoilles tall Will and Teaament. I. You have the Perronmakingover this Trutt, Sr. 2. You have the Truil it felf, and thofe were :he Saints of E. phefus. 3. You have the Truflees, thofe towhom this trua is committed; and they are two-fold. t. To God. 2. To the Word of his grace. 3. Here is the time of making this Tea, now I am leaving ofyou. 4. Here is the commendation of the Truflee, from the power and ability of him to manage this trua, and this is expreffed in two particulars. I. He is able to build you up ; and then a. Togive you an inheritance : As if he fhould have faicl, I will leave you with fuch who are able to build you up. I might raife a multitude of Obfervations from the words : As fira of all, Do61. I. That it Amid be the care ofa faithful LiTlinifier, when he is by theprovidence ofGod taken from, a people, to recommend them to God, and to the word of his grace. 2. As it is the duty of a faithful Miniaer to do it, fo it is his com- fort that hemay do it ' that he may leave his people in the hand of God, who is-able to build them up in grace. 3. It may be the comfort of any Church of Chria, that when they are deprived of faithful Miniilers, that yet they are left in the hands of God. 4. Though God can by his infinite power perfea grace, and bring men to heaven without the ufe of meanes, yet we have no ground or warrant to exRea one or other, but through the Word of Gods grace. 5. and 11-1y, Though there be a glorious inheritance purchafed and prepared by JefusChria, yet it is to be expe&ed by none but thofe that are builtup and fanailied ; Or thus, None mutt look for an inheritance hereafter, but fuch as are born of the Spirit, and built up in grace. I might fpeak tomany more ; but I than gather all than L.ave fail into this one general Propolition, which is this. Dod. That the beli Farewel that a Goloel-Miniflercan fiiie to his people that he loves and laborers amongfl, when he 6y the pro:, .dsrrve of God is takenfrom them, is, to commend them to th, Gokl, and to ;he wordofhis grace. Thus dothour holy ApofIle when he was taken from his people, and left topreach thr rn no more, he r,-,commends them te, the hands ofGod, And thuscloth a iceatei t ban Sr, Pan!, even Jefus ChAtt