tai recommendingibon to God. 45 3 tagems to catch and enfnare poor fouls. Now it is the ,en:eavour ofevery true Milliner of Jeiiis Chriii, to fecure 11:s people by his tounfel, and his prayers for we are not ignorant of his devices, i. Cor. 2. i I. As if he Ihould fay, I have toff experience of the Devils fubtilty, Satan Pets to oppofe them molt ; and this is one thing, to ribb Milliners of their mediatten, of ti:eir Prayer ; and theietore it is the defign of Minifters to ffrengthen tiieir people, in regardofSatans temptations. 2. hey are in danger in refpeft of Seducers, that lye in wait todeee;ve. 3. 'They are in danger by the world, left they fhould he frig. t- ed by its oppolition. 4. TL:ey are in danger by their corrupt luits, that war againft their fouls : Therefore every faithful Minifter warn; his people Of thole, that their fouls may be fectired ; this Leng that that a'faith- fill Min fter would do among his people while ne is with them ; when ie is taken from them, he commits them to God to be Cecil-- led from all danger, as Chrift in that place before, Father, keep them in thy own hands. Laitly, Every faithful Minifter 'leeks the comfort and.confolati- on of iris people. It is their claire to clint-Or: toe feeble hands ; they are not Mailers of your grace, but Helpers of your joy, 2 Cor. 4.21. Were the Gofpel appears in power, many will nand in need of conifort, under doubts, fears, and afill&ions ; and this is the &ire of every faithful Minifter of Jefus Chrift, in ther depar- ture from their people, to fupport the weak, to refolve the doub:. ted, to fuccour the tempted ; and when 1-1-.! is taken from them, and can contribute little to this work, he recommends them to God. A departing Minifter may fay to his people, If God has made me an initrument offpeakin comfort to your fouls, you have caufe to bleile God for it. Now I can do no more, I-muff recommend you/ to God, whom `(I hope) will be the God of your comfort when I am gone. 2. This isTie belt Office ,that aMinifter cando for his people - when he is taken from them ; and that whether we look upon Mi- nifter or people, certainly it is thebeitoffice that a Minifter can do for his eeople, To commend them to Cod. 1.- God is Omnipotently, infinitely able. '2. God isgracious and faithful, thereforewilling todo it God is infinitely able to manage this truft, he is God al/- Efficient, Gen. 17. T. firificient to make hiinfelf happy, much more to make his people happy. 1, God