Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

.454 The Parton tararelto.bis People I. Cod is all in all in the enjoyment of mercy. s. GGd is al, inall in the want of mercy. Firft, He is all in all in the enjoyment of mercy. When a peo- pie a faithful Minifter placed over them, by the providenceof -Clo.:h he can do nothing of himfelf, 2.. Cor. 3. 6. Our Preaching is from the all:dance of God ; and when we have done all, we can- not make this effeiAual, we cannot give the fucceffe ; Paulmay plaar, and Apollo may Water, hut its God that mull give the increafe, Cor. 3. 6. Why do you- keep fuck a ftir ? one would have this Minifter, another that ; one wouldhave Paul,.'another would have Apollo, another Cephas ; are they not the Minifters of God, by whom you have believed ? Our profit depends not upon the parts and gills of a creature , but upon the bleffing ofGod ; it is God that muff put this heavenly Treafure into the heart, and it is God that Kluft difperfe it at laft for the good and bendfit of his people. The moft eloahient Apollo's cannot perfwade obftinate finners to lay hold upon the Gofpel ; they may fpeak to the ear, but it is God that mutt carry the word to the heart, either for conviction or con- verfion. Secondly, God is all in all in the want ofmeans. Let the inftru- rnent be never fo weak, if it be in the hand of God, it !hall prove effeffilal : cod can make a poor Fifherman inftrumental to catch .:three thoufand fouls at one time ; and God choofes to do his work byweak instruments, that the praife may be of God : It is not the Minifters parts or gifts, but only the power of God that flrength- ens the foul , and fanaifies , and builds therh up , and comforts them. God is able to convert all unconverted [inners in a Congre- gation ; God can fay, Ephata, be opened. 2. God is able to build up thofe that are converted, God is able to make all grace abound, 2. Car. 9. 8. Thofe that have little grace, God is able to make it encreafe , God is the God ofall grace, God can make every Saint perfea, entire, lackingnothing ; he can fill all the void places of the heart. 3. God cankeep us in alt tryals and troubles , God can keep up his people in the midftof Apoltacyl Alatth.16. 13. The Gates ei He'll/2g not prevail againfi them. God can keep them, that all the power of Hell Chan not hurt them. 4. God is able to comfort the molt difconfolate foul. Minifters may fpeak comfortable words, but they cannot fpeak them further than to the ear ; but God can fpeak them to Oe heart ; IWill Allure her into the wilderneffe, and leakt,o, the heart God'can comfort the poor foul let the cafe be never fo'fail, 2 Cor. z 4. z. As