The Pagori Firtwel to his People and will require an account of them at the Taft day. Nowwhen a Minitter is taken from his people, he cannot be fatisfied, till he bath delivered backhis truftto God, Lord, here they are, and while I was with them I didwhat I could, but now Iam taken from them, here I *render themback into thy hand ; when I was in the world, I kept irithyName And fo it is heft for the people to be left fuch a onewho will keep them in all their dangers and comfort them in all affli&ions. 3. How ihould a people be commended to God ? . By Exhortation. 2. By Prayer, Firft, by Exhortation. Thus the Apoftle before and after myText. And then by Prayer, for fo doth St. Paul. Calvin looks upon thefe words as a prayer brought in, Alwayes making mention of you in my prayers, Rom. 1.19. Phil. 1.4. Cot. T. 3.- And I unit that I Than not only now, at this folemn parture, but as long as I Eve, 4ti11 recommend you into thelands of God ; though I fhall not preach to you, yet I fill (hall make mention of you in my prayers, that God would ftabliih and comfort, and preferve you to ' his heavenly Kingdom. 4. Why cloth the Apoltle commend them to the Word of his grace ? For thefe two Reafons. Tirft;Becaufe all the good that any people can look for , is from God ; it is declared and laid up in the Promifes, and in the Gofpei ' thereis the Treafure of .God, it is in the Gofpel : Thezrace of God, wh;ch bathappeared to all men , tringeth. fatvation , TIC. 2. We could never nave known the glorious myfteries of Salvation , had it not been for the graceof God; wecould never have expe&ed good, but from the Gofpel, that is the great Magna Charts,, wherein God bath made over whatfoever concerns the eternal goodofhis people: Wehave nothing to thew for grace, and comfort, and heaven , and glory, but his Gofpel, that is-the great deed ofgift that God bath gi- 'ven to his people ; poor finners might look a Saviour , if the -tvoril of God had not revealed it ; thofe people would have no ground to expel faiTation,11 God hath not declared it in his Gofpel to bellow it upon them. 2. The.Gofpel is the only inftrurnent by which God brings, and conveysall that good to the foul that it Itands in need of, all fpiti- tual and temporal good that accompanies Salvation. God works nothing immediately upon the foul, but by ..the Cofpel. . Firft If any foul be converted toGod,' it is by thegrace of God And