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in,retommendingthem to God. 4 5 And as Converlion, to Sanaification, that is effekqed by the word olf God.; fo likewifc inE.dification, Salvation, and Prefervation. tlfe and Application. 1lfi. I come:now to the:Application. It may be I have been t ao long already ; but Godknows that it may be the 14 time that I may trelpafs in this kind; and I have the Apoitles Example, wherpreach ed at Tread till midnight ; but X promife tohave done in a great deal leffe time. life. In the Application I shall in the A.poitles Example, Commend you to thegrace of God. My Brethren, and dearly Beloved, and longed for, now God by his providence is taking me away from you, in the exerciling of my publike Miniitry, I commendpose Goci,and to the word of his grace. . This I (hall do, Firft , by exhorting and counfel ; and Lien by prayer. life of Exhortation. - Firit, by way ofExhortation. 1. In reference to God ; and then s. In reference to the wordof his grace. Firit ofall, my Exhortation in reference to God , is , that you would commit your felves to God : If it fhould be fo 1DUC:1 a Mini ' iters care to commend his people to God , its good reafon they fhould commend themfelves. I. Alt a Minaters commending you to God,will be to no purpofe, ifyou donot commit your felves./ (hall always maks mention ofyou- in my prayers,as long as God Shall continue me in this valley of tears;.. pray :hitt God (hould buildyou op, and fanff;fie you ; I shall pray for you, but God will not hearmy prayers, if you do not hearkeh to my counfel, To commit yourfelves to God. 2. Confider, Ifyou can fo commit your felves to God, as to get God to take charge of you. you are made for ever. . Godwill be an All-fufficent God ; in head of all thy friends in the world, you (hail not need any that Thal' provide fo: you to protea you ; God will be AU in AU, in head of Father, in head, of "Mother, Honfes, Lands, Relations ; God will be better to you then ten Husbands, then ten Aniilers ; Ali , better than ten Thoufand Worlds. God canfweeten all your enjoyments, God canprovide for you, and make you happy in the. middeft of the wants of creature-com- forts ; God is a Sun and a Shield, he will give grace and glory ). And no; good rhino will he withold from them thatfear him. God contains all inhimielfEmit:enter ; get God, and you get all ; Let the World frown-or. fin-de, letit turn.upfidedoWn thougit the Nnn 1 Moun-,