Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

in them to God. 459 help you; your extremity (hall be his opportunity, 4. You muff take God to be the guide of your hearts ; if you would have the priviledge of Gods guard , you mutt keep in Gods way; keep in Gods way ) aad you will be fure of Gods proteetion do you keep Gods precepts , and God will keep your perfon ; do what God commands , and avoid wharGod forbids , and then you need not fear what will become of you. Let the World frown, and Friends forfakeyou, refolve that you will follow godwherefoever he leads you , then he will be your God all your dayes , and he will guide you here by his counfel , till at kit he bring you tohis glory: And this leads me to the fecond Ex- hortation, in refpea to the Gofpel. Secondly Brethren I commend you to the word of God's grace. I commend you to the Precepts of God, to be obeyed by them ; I commend you to the Promifes of God, tobe believed by you. . Keep them, and hold them fall carefully ; it is your treafure it is your life ; keep it , and it will keep you it is all that you can phew for Heaven : I leave it as a Depolitum, if you part with it, take heed how you will anfwer it at tha fall day ; it is the talent which god bath committed to yow , for which you will be commended for keeping at the great day. Hold fall the word of Gods grace , there is old tugging by the Devil, and his Int+rume.nts, either to pull yom from the word, or theword from you. Let any thing go rather than the Gofpel, let you Friends, your Eflatas, your Lives, rather than' let go the Gape!, Study Gods word , do not keep them by for no purpofe': Search ,the Scripture!,- for in them you hope for eternal life. There's the pearl of great price, there is direaion, there is comfort: this book of God will make you wife unto falvation. If you never hear Sermon more, you have enough by the ufe of theBible, to carry you to Heaven ; There's Divinity, the-e is holi- - neffe and heaven almoil in every fyilable, when you cannot have it _preached to you. Be much in the (+tidy of it. Then pra&ice it co-fcionably : Be not onlyhearers, but doers of it ; let your converfation be fuch as becomes the Gofpel. It was the Apollles advice to the Philippians, and it's mine to you, Let youl come.- ration be 'pith as becomes the Gofpel. Let your con- ve, become the Precepts , Priviledv.,es, the P-tenifes of the gofeel. Having then tus commen-led you to give me leave before we pare, to commend God and hi, ,5,,1'iy21 to you. M,ike