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4" 71)e Pallor: Faretrel tohis People I.;!1,11Ice it your daily butinefs towalk with God, make him the companion of your lives ; converfe with God every day in the inward of your hearts: He that is a (}ranger with God, God will loon be a ( }ranger to him ; and if 'you negle& God one day, you may be to feek him when you may mot} need him. 2. Live in the daily exercife of grace and godlineffe. Live in the continual exercife of Faith,live by it, you have need of the exercife of that grace every day ; you can as well live without food, as live without faith; it is that grace which feeds upon Chrlit. 2. Be much in the exercife of the fear of the Lord all the day long be afraid to fin again(} God ; in the fecret of your fouls mind his prefence, in all places, in all company, in all bu- fineffes. 3. Be much in the exercife of Humility ; live humbly, and think better ofothers than your felves : Humility wig exceedingly adorn your profeflion. 4, Be much in the exercife of Repentance. Be frequent andcon. ilant in Prayer, Pray continsti.11.1 ; do it fpiritually, and do it exaaly, as to the feafon of it. S. Be fervent in prit, ferving the Lori. Whatever you do for God, do it with all your might ; do not put off God with the skin, but give him the marrow. 6. Be careful, not only to keep up fecrer, but Familie-worfhip; the leffe preachino b there is in publick, the more catechifing and in- firu6fing there fhould he in private. I know no more likely meanes , than the letting up the wo:fhip of God in private 7. Prize the Sabbath ; be flri& and exaa in the obfervation of the Lords day. I have (hewed you many times wherein the fpiriru- al obfervat ion of it dorh contitt ; it is your feed-time, your marker- day ; it is a fign you (hall one day celebrate an everlattingSabbath with God in the higheti heavens. 8. Be ftedfafi in the wages of God in a backfliding Age : Keep- your ground, while others fall away, (land fall in faith ; be not a- ilaarned to own Chritl before all the world ; reckon upon the re- proaches of Chrif+,and count them greater riches than the Treafures in Egypt. Do not place Religion in a few Choctaws, when the fub- fiance is neg,leoted ; do not think that God will be put off with the skin without the fubflance ; and by your holy converfation labour to put to iilence the foolifhneffe and ignorance of wicked turn, that men,