Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

in recommending than to God. 461 :nen may have nothing to accuse you but in the matters of Jefus Chris}, that you may cut off occafion from them that leek occafion. Let no reproach make you hydride holinefs, and fay ; If this be to be vile, I will be vile fill'. And love all thofe that have been intim- mental for your fpiritual comfort. Forget not to contribute to the neceffitie of the poor Saints ; think that God bath given you your Elates for fuch a time as this, for this is acceptable to God , rep them that curfe you, pray for them that delpight fully tiff you, fo (hall you heap coals offire upon their heads ; when you are ile not again. Do s our duty to your Superioure, to thofe that God bath let over you, and fo carry your Laves as it was in the cafe of Daniel, that they may find nothing a- gaintl you, fave in the matter of your God. In all things let your converfation be as becomes the Gofpel of Jefus Chrift, That I may rejbyce in the day of the Lord ftfus, that we have oar run in vain, and laboured tit vain. And labour tokeep op that Chritlian love which in this place bath been more eminent than any where I know. I would preach Sc. Johns Do trine, Little children love one another : And chat my expreflion may be pathetical, I (hall (peak it in the words of the Apt:Ale, in JP/3,i, 2, I, 2. If there be therefore any confolation inChriff,if, any com- fort of love, if any fellow/hip of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, ful- fill ye my joy , that ye be like-minded, having the fame love: being of one accord, ofone rn(nd. I now have but a word more, fpeaking of yours and mine own comfort under this fad Difpenlation. I. It is a Minitters comfort, that when he is taken from his peo- ple, he can yet Commend them to God, and to the Wordofhis grace, which it able to build them up, and to give them an inheritance among them that are [maified. And truly, my dearly beloved in the Lord, this is my great work now, when I am a dying to you as tomy publick preaching : My Beloved, I am very fen(ibie that it is a very fad and folemn thing lot a Minitier to be rent from a people that he loves as his own foul) that he hath laboured among ; for to bid adieu to thefe folemn meet- ings, wherein I have preached to you, wherein we have mingled our fighs andour tears before the Lord, wherein we have rejoyced, and fat down together before the Lord at his Table, now to think th It I mull minifler with you, and for you no more in thefe Ordinances, methinks it is a heart-breaking confideration ; to think that I am now dying in this Congregation ; co think that I am now dying whiff} I am preaching but this is mycomfort under thefe fad choughts,that