401° TheNos Fisrevel to his Peoide lean commit/9u to God% and to the Word ofhis:grace; to one that is able to keepyou, 4;oti to buildyoss up , and to give you an itslieritance a. movg them ihAt a7 re fassaifird. Like a4fing Father, I can commend you to the care of luch a Friend, infinitely able to funly all that I could not do for you. It is the comfort of a dying Father, when he fees his children weeping round about him, that he can commend them to a faithful friend, willing to do that for them that hedefired to do, and a thou- fand times more. I would hope that I have fome children, that I have begotten to 0)6(1 by my Miniary, towards whom my bowels yearn ; but this is my comfort, that I can put them into the armes of their and my hea. verily Father, of their and my bleffed Redeemer, to be kept by the power of God. There are many poor fouls that are yet in the gaul of bitternefs, &in the bond of iniquity;and if the Lord had feen good,I would fain have feet] of the travel of my foul in their falvation ; but I can com- mend them toGod, who knows them who belong to his Eleetiow, be can either reaore me, or cando it by another hand ; and you that b a-e in any meafure grown in brace, I would be willing to be helpful to your joy, and inarumentalto your comfort ; but /rommeu you to God, who is able togive allgrace toyou, and to keep youftedfafi. It will be fome alleviationof forroW, that tlrugh I mua leave you, and die to you as to your publick Miniary, yet I hope I b my a while up and down, and converfe with you, to be among yaou. The Lord grant this favour, that he may behold your ffedfaa. nefie. 2. This may beyour comfort, as well as mine ; this may be the comfort of all chore poor Congregations, that are like to be made Widows by the Metaphorical death of their Guides and Paaors ; but I leave you into the hands of aThgrace and ofall comfort. This is a black day upon /frau, when fo many faithful Miniaers_ are !lain at one blow ; this is a dayof gloorninefs and darknefs in many Congregations , for fo many /vliniaers to be beheaded in °le day ! What bath England committed ? is it not fome high Treafon ? If w look to thecaufe of it, why fo many Minifiers are as dead in one day, as fo many children without a Father. And if we look upon the caufe, What bath caufed God thus to deal with us, we muff complain, Ch ! our unfruitfulneffe ! our fearful untliankfwIneire under the mercies Of God ! This will be the Em. ?bet