an recommending dm to God. 4(3 041 and fling of our grief; and this fhould be the matter of our grief. And then, if we confider the fadPrognotlick, what it doth feet* to foretell : It is a fign, that when God layes afide fo many faithful Miniflers, of fome fcourge and ealamitie that is coming upon us. But you that can lament this Judgement, you that can lament the fad deprivation of thefe powerful Ordinances; Remember, that though your Miniller be dead, God can raife you up others in their stead ; and Where the way of infirume.nts are wanting, he can do it without them ; and thofe that are begot in Chriff, fha11 be prefer- ved ; and thole that are yet unbrought in, who belong to theEleCti- onof Grace, {hall in Gods due time, have the effe6Iual work of the Spirit wrought upon their Souls : Por be is able to buildyou up, and to giveyou au Inheritance among them that are fanEt ified. And though I take this folemn leave of you, as to this publick Ex- ercife, yet if the Lord (hall open the door, and take off thofebands ofDeath that the Lawhath laid upon my Miniftry in regard of Con- fcience, who cannot conform , for which our publick Miniary is fufpended ; I (hall chearfully and willingly return to you in this place. But now, though your dying Minifler, in refpea to the Exercife of his publick Miniiiry, is leaving of you, yet I commit you into a fafe hand, 1 commend you to God, andto hit Grace. amen. Mr. Pledger's Foetid sermon. Revel. 2.9f 1°0 I now thy works, and tribulation, and poverty ; but thou art rich ) and1 know the blafphemy of themwhich fay they are Jews, and are not, but are the Analogue of Satan. Par none ofthofe thing: which those (halt Infer ; behold, the devil jhall calllime ofyou into pilots, that ye may be tried, and r fhall have tri. iielat;on ten dayes be thou faithful untodeath, and hp.3give thee Acrown of life. N the former verfe you have the fupiiifcription, and defcription of this Epifite : the fuperfctiption by the mouth and ha. rad of o o John,