Mr. Pledgees Fisrewel Sermon; yohnl to the Angel of the Church or Sroyrfal, (thatis) the minutry ot tb:Uolpe'p,or the Co!ledge of Presbyters: As the whole Tribe of Levi in L.hialAchy is called the Angekof the Lord ; fb here, the whole Tribe and office of the Miniary is called the Angel : Angel is not a term that fignifies a fingle perfon, but a name of Office.. Then for the DefcripLion ( TheIt things filth the firfi and the lajl, whrcio was dead and is alive,) He is defcribed by hiseternity, by his flittering, and by his reviving : I (hall not fpeakof this, nor of the verfes fol- lowing the Text. I fhall fpeak of the Infcription or Narration of the Epistle, in thefe two verfes, wherein you have E. A Commenda-. tion. 2. An Admonition, a piece of heavenly Counfel. T. You hare 'a Commendation, / know thy works, &e. I like it well the pains thou takea in my fervice, for my fervants fake; I know ho PI thou haft fuffered : I 'take all well, I confider all the re- proaches that are vomited out againfi thee. 2. Then you have the Counfel. 1. Fear none of thefe things.2.The Arguments to fet it on ells the Devil that fhall trouble you : he is the prime Agent, he that never took a good caufe : Thou haft certainly God for thee, if thou haft the Devil againfi thee. z. This Devil be checked and retirained. fhall T. As to thenumber of them he fhall deal withall [ The Devil calf force of into inifon ; He aimes at all, buthe fhall come fhort of many. 2. In refpeet of the kind ofthe affli6tion. [Caflfbmre into prifon] He aims at our fouls , todiituib the peace of them to call us into Hell, I but it fhall be but into prifon. a. For the defign ofthia,#ietion [,Nos for degruaion , 6m to try It fhall not be as wood in the fire, to be confurned : but as gold in the fire-, to be tryed. 4. For the term ofduration, it (hall not be for ever [ Bat for ten days] for a time , for a fet time , for a fhort time ; perhaps thou. (Fait lofe thy life but be rhos: faithfulunto the death and I ro,11give thee a Crown ofLife. Before I no our,' Intlendeavour toChine in thesWhole li . t of this Text in thefe fix:dr feVen PropoatiOns, Pro. T. Fira , Jefus Civil+ takes notice of all the work, and troll.. We, and loffes that 'we e'ryll'e for him. There cannot be ,a godly word fpoken but the Lord hears it, takes notice ofit ; not. -a ciay.or not a tear, or /a/rayer , not a figh , not a cup of Id water, buc the Lord lets it down : Item at firch a tithe ikori fI ofe