Mr. Pledget'sFarewel Sermon. 465- loft fuch a thing, hazard fuch a concernment. Now this knowledge lies in two.things. 1. It implyes an Approbation. 2. A Recom- pence : /Om whet thou dolt, what thou fufferell, fo as to approve ir, and fo as to recompence it.' Now then ifGod takes notice of what we do and fuffer for his Name , then either we mutt fay , he bath not good enough, or not time enough tobellow that good upon tis, or not faithfulnefs enough to perform his promife, before we can be moved from his fervice. Pro. 2. Secondly, I obferve, Believers in their pooreft condici: an , when they have loft all , they are rich : I know thy poverty , but thou arc rich. The only wife man is the only rich man ( fo faith the Philofoper ) but the believer is the rich man ( fo faith the vvif. dam of God in theText..) And the riches of a believer lies in five things. x. In his Interefl- , he bath a God for his portion : Faith cloth unite and implant into the Lord Jefus Chrif+ ; fo that we are become fpiritually rich to the utrnoil degree of happinefs Sahli David, The lines are fallen to me in a ple4rant place, I have a gooaly heritage. All that rich love of God , which is ftronaer than death it felf : a rich Covenant of grace fhines in the Prorni&s as fo many pearls ; will not withhold any thing that is good , nor !infer any thing at is evil to fall upon us , that fhall not turn togood. How rich are they that are rich in God ? a. Believers muff needs be rich in their Relations : Our comma- uion is with the Father, and with his Son jells' Chrift : They that are married to Chrif+ , and have an inteteR in him , they mull certainly contra& very honourable Alliec, the Brother of Jefus Chtitt , a 4ember of Chrift : fhe that marries a Prince or King, is a Queen : What title of honour flail we give to one that is efpowfed to Jeius Chrif1-. 3, The Believer is honourable in his poffeffions : to name but two, poffeflion of grace, pofletlion of peace : grace and peace, there is your riches ; fo the Lord falutes you in his word , the leaf} drachm grace ii more than all the world : find this is the charaaer of one that hungers and'thirits after Chrift. And then for comforts which are grounded upon brace, and the vvork of grace : for the fpring of grace is a fpring of :. In the worldyou (hall have trouble , but in me peace : And in the midft of my troubled thoughts (faith David ) thy somform eteli4bt my foul. 4. ABeliever is richin regard ofhis expetiation, that reversion that Wired: hope that is refdrved for him. A believer his charaaer 14, to long and look for the appearanceofChritl : the believer is rich an the,tverlafting Kingdom ofglory. Co a 5. A