Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

464 M. Pledges Fame: Sermon.. 5. A l3iever is rich in the things of this life : he can live hove Lhefe things, he can be content without them ; confentation is your riches : you !hall want nothing that is good ; why .hert havewe not enough ? and if we have enough, why do wenot fee our 3 iches ? becdufe God cloth not flyke down the acorns from the tree ofCorn. Mon ;%ovidence, which he does to the herds of the world,but feeds us wit h childrens bread, (hall we therefore repine ? Let * fee our Lichee even in the things of this life. He that believes onChiiiI; is in ft eh a condition as can know no want : He that is not in Chill', cannot be rich : He that is inCh rift, cannot be poor. Judge nor of his condition by what he appears outwardly. A believer is worth as much as the promifes come to , which are his Charter ; as ntuch as the Kingdom of Heavencomes to, which is his reverfion. Pro. 3. Ch rill takes notice of all the reproaches and blafphemies of his Adve-fa ries : I know the blafpemy of them that fay they ore Jews and are not, but areof the Synagogue of Satan. Chrifl counts himfell reproached when his fervants and wayes are reproached The reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallenupon me. A Chriflian doth quarter Armes with Chrift therefore all the re- proaches of the blackmouths, they areefpecially taken notice of by jefus Chrifl. , There is not a word they can fpeak , but is prefently recorded among the Memorandums of Jefus Lhria. Repent, if it be poffible : the word in thy tongue the thought in thy mind mar be forgivenj fay,if it be poflible,though a malicious (coffer does fats dour return. Pro. 4. Whatever the childreftofGod fuffer at any time before the grave, they mull fuffer flill. [ /kept,/ thy works, and tribulatioss (nayyet the wind is Heover) in the next Verfe , ThouPal:fuffer.] After great expences of blood and treafure, fill more heavy calami tiei : the water of tribulation doth rife higher and higher till the be- liever refills unro blood (}riving againfl fin you mutt expeet it°,0 you mull go with your lives in your hands, refolvingupon the greateft trouble, towade through a deep flood of calamities, not one piece of the Crofs excepted. Pro, 5. Chrill ufually gives notice to his people in their fuffer- ings, he tells us before-hand. So Job r 6. 7. Ulla:. 24. 9. Alb 9. 16. There never did befall any great tryal , but the Church of God had notice of it kabarn had notice ofSokamsdeflrudion: Noahhad notice of the Old Worlds deflrualon vlbrohava *pia had noticeofthe ruine of Egypt So the Anti-Chritlian trouble mutt come upon the Church, rife higher and higher , fpecially in the lafI dayes : they are fee down exadly in the book of the Et's/41;0N:: ;lied theRufousare, - a® That