Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

*Mr Pledgee%Farewel serinon; T. That Gods people may nor be offended when troubles come , rob. 16, t . I toldyou that you might not beoff nded. Look for them, that you may not be terrified by reafon of the unexpeaednefs of a 2. That he might convince us, that there is nothing befalls us without his privity : he that forefees them, he muff needs fee them; he that forecaas them 5 he muas needs have the ordering of them; Not a hd'r ofyour brisk falls to thegroundwithout his counfel without his hand. 3. That we might provide for them : Know you not the comingof the gc,' ofMan ? WhenChrifl comes with notable mercies , ufually he fends his harbingers; we. Erma therefore be as 44oah : Bepig warn- ed Ef God, believing his word he was moved with fear ) and built P, 0.6. What ever troubles come upon the people of God they have no caufe to fear : Fear none of thole things thou /halt Infer : Be careful for nothing (k's very comprehenfive ) there is a fear that we cannot be without,and there is a fear we may not admit:A. fear there is of dependance, this furthers our preparation, prayer, renouncing our (elves, flyin. to the Lord Jetus under his wings : that's ableffeel fear of trouble ''that makes us to come nearer to God : But then there's a fear of Di:pondency, Apoflafie, a fear of Diflraaion, fo as to be difmayed, difcouraged. There's no ground of flavifh fear as toGod; no groundof a fatal fear of man, of any thing that man can do to us : And the Reafon is. I. MI eiur fufferings are ordered by a rather : 'cis the Potion that thy .Father gives thee to drink : whatever bitter Ingredient there is in it, fill it's of thy Fathers procuring : by wilt thou fuf- pea it tobe poyfon, and afraid of it ? no, be encouraged. 2. Fear not : Chlia (ands by thee in all thy fuffertngs : The An. et flood by Chrifl in his Agony to comfort him : but Chrifi tiande by us in our Agony , in our contending for the Fiith : Fear not (faith God ) 0 Worm Jacob , I will be with thee : He is alwayes with us, though fometimes as to fenfe 'tis otherwife nay if Chrift be nearer to us at any rime , 'cis when trouble is molt near us. ( Lord, be not far of, for trouble is near, faith the PjalmiJl) That trouble is Malted that engages God to be nearer to us , that engages us to come nearer toGod. 3. Feat not whatever *as that we fuffer there (hail be fufficient flren0th givers cobear ir, to go through it : God wilt never lay more upon thee than he will enable thee to bear : and if thy arengt h be tncreafed proportionably, it is all one for thee to lift apound wei2ht, and to lift a httudiod poundweight, 4. Fear