463. Mr..Pledget'S Farewel Sermon.. , 4.. Fear not any of thefe fufferings becaufe 'none of them. (hall hurt thee : God hathfaid he will Rave off all evil from thee, (no,evil. Pall, some nigh thy dwelling) and he that fears the Lord, fhall not be fited of any evrlrProv. 19. s 3. No hurt fhall come , nothing -fhall come to thee amifs ( that is) as to thy Soul, aid the Soul is the man there fhall, be no imparting to thy Soul, to thy belt intereft ; thou shalt lofe nothing but that thou canit notkeep , nothing that enters intio the other world to make up thy happinefs , thou flialt .1ofe no- thing to do thee good ; no lofs ofcommunion with god, no lofs of grace, peace and comfort -; thy intereft /hall not be fh.aken thy Communion fhall not be diminifhed. But why do I (peak ofno hurt ; there come a great deal of goodby there troubles. When God calls thee to filar , and thou . wilt ptit himoff with doing ' make it up that way, , God lofes by it and thou dolt lofe that thou dolt ; but ifyou would buckle your felt' to that fervice God calls for ; activewhen 'tis aftive pailive when. .'cis Paillve, this is that peice of godlinefs that., is great gain. Thou. wilt either live or dye, and (halt gain both wayes ; if thou iivef , thy grace's fhall bebetter ) the fpirit of Gad fhall reit upon thee ,' thoudye,-thyglorywhic13. is weighty, fhall be double;the weightier; the Crofs, the weightier the Crown ; be content to go as Chrift did' from the Crofs to the Crown. Let us firive againft our carnal tuffs, thole few things that are ready to choak our faith; difparage God, and cut theSinews of ourendeavour toany ferviceGod-calls us to. T. Confider our tioubles are like to be-great:here:is the fymptorns: ofGods difpleafure upon us;here is the powring out offuch a provi- dence amongus, as is ufually attended-With deltruffiveJudgement% Sodom calamity was coming when oneZot was difcharged:Germanyi calamity was coming, when ont Lutherwas taken away ;- Lord then what woe is this to fleep away fo many faithful,, painful labourers `at once but it'sour duty to fuffer patiently, and not complain. 2, As our troubles milt be great, fo, many will fear, and in fear ing faint we fee it come to p-afs and you will' find it more and more : There are thole that.run with the Foot-men , that will nor keeppace with the Horfe.-men, that.may be left behind, and be trod: inder foot:: our troubles are likely-to arife according to all we can learn'from Scriptureand Providence, and verymany there be that will fhrink. 3., Confider 'tis a very difficult thing to ftand'ffedfaft in a day oP 'evil : you cannot name any ofGods Children, but, when they have indeed come to it, their carnal fears have been working fo thei left later ahnoft.flips they have been aimed gone p-but that for,