Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

fir. s aiod 46.9' the promife of God, that he would lay no more upon them than he would enable them tobear. 0 but youwill fay, What will become of the publique intereft of the name and Church of God ? and what will becomeof my pri vate intereft ? I anfwer, you have no ground of fear ( according to Scripture ) in either of thefe relpetls. Firlt as to the publique name of God, the intereft of his Church , of his truth, of righteoufnefs, of a real Reformation, intereft of our prayers and hopes, be not afraid. 1. God bears a dear refpe& unto his people : they are reprefen- ted in Scripture by all names that may import dearnefs and nearnefs unto him : the intereft of his glory is bound up in his people calls ifrael his Glory : We know the intereft of men is that which moves the world : but the intereft of God, ofhis Glory , no doubt will be the ground of fafety and fecurity unto us, even till God take us to Heaven. For the intereft of GodsJuitice , God made Hell ; and for the intereft of his mercy and grace he gave Jefus Chrilt to die, to take effect here amongst the Children of men ; do you think God will forget his .ntereft ? 2. Remember Gods wayes are in the deep : you cannot tell what God is clong; when you think thoughts of dekru&ion and confulion, my thoughts towards you faith God , are thoughts of peace : And - truly God he does not fave a Soul, nor does not promote the Salva- tionof his Church in anyeminent degree , but it is in a way that is crofs and contrary to the fenfe and expe&ation of flefh and blood : infomuch vou know the darknefs of our conditionhas been the tn- . trance upondeliverance! as juit before the day dawns, its the &deft of the night ; whenGod looked and there was none to help theth , - faies he, my arm brought falvation. Thus it is with you that are effeaually called : you have receiv'ed the fentenceof death ; the entrance upon your delivefance , is tfle ..., -dart:ell time of your condition. 3. God can do great things, `Toel Few not, thy Gal 0 Syon - dogma things. 'Tis the difparagernent that. we offer to God, we afcribe more to the, Creature than we do to God : when W e give way to carnal fear ; fear not what man can do, becaufe of ti e power of God which was his Shield and buckler ; Is any thing .too hard, too heavy for God ? and when God does great th'n.,.:5,s, ufu- ally goes on tod in ogreater ; though he :T? feem to fuffer hi:s work to be thrown back to confufion, and his re4ple may' be rear!y. to fay, ,we:thoilght he had redeemed ifrae/,'tliatde.gree ofRelornzition frail not