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Mr. Pledger's Farewel Sermon: 471 6. Get the fear of God, that may over-rule other feirs : Fear not him that can &Ie kJt the body, but fear him that is able to call body and foul into Heti fire. 7. Keep a clear confcience, void of offence towards God and to- wards men : by a neart abating confeffion of what is pail, and the ap- plication of the blood of Chritt, and by mortification and watchful- neffe therein, keep your felves from evil for the time to come. 8. Gec a better aifurance ofeternal life; a glimpfe and fight of this woulal make a man run through thevery flames of hell. How comfortable was Stephen when a fhower of (tones was about his eares, to fee Jefus (landing at the right handof God ! I wonder how they dare to venter their life,that have no ground ofa better life : but for thofe that have a well-grounded hope of the mercy of God , they fay, We reckon thefe light afflietions, which are but for a moment, to work for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. Fear not any of thefe thing: Whichyou (hallTroffer. Pro. 7. Chrifi does limit Satan, he bath him in a firing, him and all his Intirunaents (The Devil floallcaft force ofyou into prifon,&c.) Every word hath its weight : Who (hall dolt ? The Devil. Whac ihall he do ? Caftyou into prifon : How far? Someofyou : How long? Ten days:: For what ufe-? That you may be tryed : Chritt , as he bath Satan in a chain of providence , fo he bath a chain of relraint ; it is Chritt that puts a circle about him, he cannot caufe a hair of your head to fall, he is in the hand of Chriff, and they are under him, andhis hand, as they are again(} him I If God lets alone his Enemies , what (hall they not do ? If god lets alonehis People , what (hall they do ? a. God has a fpecial Providence about the things of his Church byway of Etninencie, by way ofpermiflion, and ordination. 3. You will not deny but there's powerenough in God to de lroy all that are agaitla him, and to limit all, and all (hail make to the praife of-God, and to his peoples good. The Lord is exceeding merciful, he cannot bold when the Enemy, Comes to infult, to blafpheme and revile ; Now will I arift, faith God, andfit him at liberty from hint thatpiifah at him : there is, Qt only a judging of their Enemies hereafter, but a judging of th here : the world (hallfay, Verily there if a God that rewardetb reghte- oufnefe, verily there is a God that jadgeth the earth. 5. God has a fpecial deign in hand : therefore jut} fo far as he carry on that deign God hath towards h's p opie, ( which is al- wayes a deign of faichfulneffe) jut} fo far (hall the Enemy got fa, t o . The Enemy means pot fo, he means to cut offa people not a few., P but