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472 -Mr. Pledger's Farenisei Sown. but Gods end was otherwife and he will over-rule them, : this is the Comfort, there's a fec time, there's an end. There is a difference between the of l Sting of Gods people, and judging their enemies : In the intention, and excention : one is for wine, the other in proportion : one is a light affli&ion, the other a load. And then for extention, one is for ever, and the other i for time, for ten dayes. Then our .afflictions (hall have an end, I andra comfortable end : Are not thefe twoends comfortable, the end of our fins, and the end of our forrow ? god will reaore comfort to his mourners ; let us be mourners during the time of mourning, god will quickly cloath us with garments of praife : there (hall be an end of our fufferings, never an end of our joy,And glory. Pro. 8. To conclude in a word, Be fa:thfii l to the death : Be faith- ful in your prom ties, in your vows and purpofes, your covenants of obedience and reformation : perfia in the dckfrine of the Gofpel) and the worfhip of the Gape!, and the Miniffry of the Gape!, and office Chria hach fixt in his Church : be faithful by your moil ear- net}, zealous defires before the Lord : Befaithful to doe death : he will never let you fee death till all your fears are conquered ; he can prefently take them away ; he will certainly be prefent withyou in all your troubles. And remember, God in tender mercy and faith- fulneffe, for the prefent, accepts the unfeigned purpofe to be con- ftanc and faithful to him to the death. Mr. Sclater's Farewell Sermon. jail 5. 1. tkz elbofoever belleveththot jefns is the Chrili inborn of God ; and every one t!at lovethhim that beiat, lovethhim alfir that is begotten ofhim. Little Children, keel yostrfelvesfrom idols. 1" His general Doetrine I have already delivered unto you from this Text , which indeed is the marrow and fubaance of the whole Chapter. That Gofpel believing is a Duty, which they that really perform, are highly priviledged by to their grearea advantage: I have fpoken concerning Gofpel-believing, and that it is a duty, and that they that do really perform it, are highly dignified and - privi- !edged by it , as bath beenmade to appear from the Chapter; that which