Sclater's FarelVel SOW= 4.73 Which remains to be done, and (hall be, as God enables the workof thismorning, is, tomake improvement of this Doetrine , which is one of the moll material and momentous Do&rines that can be preached to us. Gofpel believing it bath molt precious priviledges entailed upon it whofoever believeth that Jefus is the at itt, that Jefus is the Son of God, that Jefus is come in the fix fh , is born of Caod,knows God, and flail be eternally bleffed of God , and with God ; furely then the word runs upon a very great miflake. I have hinted fomething already to that pur?ofe, but I have left the more full difcuffion and dircovery of the matter until! now. Why, who is there among the generality of common profelfors that is not very pregnant to hold forth this to be their faith ? if fo be that it fliould be put to the Queftion, Friend, what is your Faith, whet Belief are you of ? why not one in a thoufand I thi ,k bat will he apt to fay , Why truly I will give you this Account , There is a Gofpel which is preached among us, and in the World, and this Golpel doth hold forth this for true Doetrine, that Jefus the Son of (friary, , that was born at Erebbhern, is theChriR, is the Mefliah which was promifed by the Father , and which the World d'd live in expeaation of fo, long ; this Jefus I believe is the Son of God, this Jefus I verity be- lieve is come in the Flefla, and he is come to be the Saviour of the World ; this is the Belief, and that which is the common profeflion that is made by the generality of people. Why but will you confi- der now this Text , and other Scriptures do fpeak fully to this purpofe , Whofoever doth believe this , that Jefus is the Chrift , the Son of God, and that he is come in the Flefh , whofoever believes this is of God, is born of God. And it doth clearly ap- pear, and may be moll convincingly made our, that many thoufands that profefs their belief concerning thefe things , yet notwichfland- ing are not born of God. Why certainly there mull needs be a great and profs fallacy in the butinefs Gofpel-faith ard. believing, ; it is not fo common a thing as many rake it to be ; and therefore if this be Gofpel-faith, and that which do, h int ereti perfons in f ch great and precious p iviledges, truly it conceltas us to look well to ir, that we be not mill ken concerning this he lief, Now this I would fay, there is fornething in it to be confidered , with refp-et to the time wherein Chrill appeared vilibly to the would , and the after times, wherein the Apofiles did hold forth thefe great Doarines of theGofpel concerningChrifl. And this we are to fay, that in filch, a time as that was when this was the critical point as it were , the difcriminating thing, in fuch a time for any to make this profellion, and to hold forth this to be their faich'and belief 7 that Jefus is the Pp P 2 Chia ,