Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

., At Mr. Sciatets Farewel Semen. i-hria, the Son of God, is was of high tignification, andmight vet )Nell, as to man, beget a comfortable confidence and hope concern-. ing fuch perfons, that certainly they were born of God, as to man And according to rational charity , it might be very comfortable that fuchperfons as did thus believe . and profefs this to be their faith, and belief, there were fome bleffed beam upon their fouls ; for .mark you, it bath been thus in the world , and among the people of it, concerning, matters of God and godlinefs , that there bath been fuch and fuch a truth, that bath been thecritical truth , as I faid, that bath been, as I may fo fay, the Shiboloth Whereby people are diftinguifhed one from another. I allude to that 'mirage in INds-es concerning the Gileadites ; they made a profeffion of themfelves to fuch and fuch , and they were put to tt to nronounce ShiGolith ; they that could not fpeak cur the word,& clearly pronounce ir,they were not judged to be the perfons that they profeffed themfelves to be;but they that could do ir,held their liberty: fo fometimes fuch and fuch a Do6frine is ordered our to be a diaingui(hing point, tip)n the account ofthe defperate oppoticion that the world makes again it ; and upon this account the Pries, and the Rulers, and the refl. of the world were desperately bent again(} Jefus they called him Je- ns, but could not endure him to be called the Son ofGod ; it was an A& and Decree among(' them,t hat whofoever fhould con- fefs Jefus to be the Chrif}, should be put out of the Synagogue fliould be excommunicated. Now for perfons at fuch time, where- in it was as much as their liberty, it may be their lives were worth, to own that Jefus Chris} was the Son ofGod , for perfons now at fuch a time to own this Jefus , that was in fo mean--a condition to be the Chria, there is very much in it, infinitely- more than for perfons now to take up this prolellion, Why ? becaufe this Doet. nue hath obtained in the world, and it is a Dothine among Papias as well as Proteaants; there is no fuch danger now for perfons to be of this belief. But (hail I Tay this, That for all that, to believe this really, according to the right account , and true genuine inter- pretation of Gofpel-believing , the cafe is the fame wieh them and''`,, with us at this day , facing alide the confideration of times and time; the danger then, and the encouragement now ; the cafe is the fame; Gofpel-believing of thefe truths according to a genuine interpretation of Gofpel believing,it is the fame now as then , and then as now: And therefore we muff confider, and look fu:t her. I would put thefe few things to your confciehces : You p. clefs this to be your faith , you believe that Jefus is the ,Chria , the of God, that be is come in the flefh ; iliac things youproeti to be-. licvel