Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

476 Mr. Scaltees Faretrei Sermon be a holy refolution of Spirit, Come what will come , I will never part with this curb ; I have bought the truth, that was my duty ; and having bought it, I will never fell it ; that is my duty too ; can we give fuch an account as this ? but then withal let me a little further improve that which I have already fpoken from the Chapter. You fay this is your belief, That Jefus is the Chria , the Son of God ; but can you give an account of thofe priviledges that are en- tailed upon this belief ? for you mull know , that the priviledges which belong to fuch, will ferve as evidences that they are fuch. Now if you believe, it is your priviledge to be bornof God ; and this being born of God mutt be the evidence of this belief. Can you cive an account of your being born of God ? If you arenot born of GOd;- you do not believe, that Jefus is the Chria. Can yon give an account of your overcoming the world ? Are you fuch as are ena- bled to aand out in oppofition to the errours, and hereties, and cor- rupt doa tines, and practices that are in the world ? Can youbear up again[+ the lull of the eye, the lull of the flefh, and the pride of lire? if you are in flavery to the world , in bondage to the beggedy rudi- mens of the world, you are miftaken, that Jefus is the Chria For he that belteveh according to a true interpretation of Go fpel-be- lieving, that Jefus is the Chria, cloth overcome the world , and by vertue of this belief, he is enabled to get a conquea over the world, and over thecorruptions t hat are in it through lull. And then again , You profefs to believe that Jefus is the Ch rill the Son of God : Oh ! bnt are you able to give an account that you have believed into this j_fus, and upon this Jefus ? for that is it the Text holds forth; He that believes that Jefus is the Chril}, doth be- lieve on Jefus the Chria; Are you by vertue of this believing which you profefs, drawn out ro a clofing with Chria ? do you rowl your felves upon him ? own him for righieoufnefs and falvation , and are willing to yield your felves up in filbjeaion to him ? You believe pfns to be the Choi+ ; but do you believe on that Jefus whom you rofefs to be the Chrill ?Now this being thus bid down as a Found` non,. I ,vould infer thus,and fo go on to farther branch of this Ap- plication; Eir her you do really believe with a Gofpel-believing thefe Truths and Doarines concerning Chrif+, or you do not; Why,they that do profefs they do, but in truth they do not, there is a clear and manifell contradi &ionwhich this profellion meets withal! , and that upon the accounts I have formerlygiven, as alafs this profeflion fuffers contradi&ion generally; generally the nrofeffors of this Faith, that Jells is the Chrif+, do dearly make a flat contradi&ion ; and I am