Mr. Scaltet's Fotwei Berman. 477 am very confident, that there ate thoufands, that if they fhouid be put to the tryal , will you Rick to this truth ? If you do, it {hall coal you the lots of your libert:', and elates, nay, your life (hall go for it. Oh ! I am very apt to think , that you Shall have thoufands that will turn their backs upon this profeflion, renounce this profeffi- on. No ,v concerning fuch, this I would fay. Firil, That the condition of fuch perfons as are not right in Gof pel-believing, is a moll mournful and miferable conditioa ; however it may be with them in other refpeas, yet it is fad to think what a condition they are in ; for confider firR of all, they that do not per- form this great Duty of Gorpel-believing, according to the truth and reality of it, I will tell you what they do, they do give God the lye, they do by interpretation tell God to his face, that he is a very Lyar; and what higher blafpheming can there be, than togive the lye ro the God of Truth ! every one will be apt to biers thernfelves, and fay, Oh far he it fromme, God forbid that I fhould be charged with fuch - a horrid impiety as this ! Oh but Brethren, the very truth is, it is a very common thing by interpretation to give the lye to God ; and all. that do not believe according to that Goipel-believing that you have heard, do tell God to his face that he is a Lyar. How doth that ap- pear ? Why take a little help, fuch as I am able to give you ; to pro- fefs that jefus is the ChriR, the Son of God, that he came to be the Saviour of theworld, is ordered out tobe our Righteoufnefs, is fent of God topreach Liberty to Captives, to heal difeafed Souls, and todeliver poor Creatures from the bondage of the Devil ; thefe things People generally profefs to believe ; but mark you now, they never come toChritt, nor never fet in with him upon this ac- count, and to this purpofe, Oh Lord thou art the jefus, the Annoirj. ted of God ; come to thee for life, I am a poor dead Creature, I am in a Rate of unrighteoufnefs, and thou art given to be for Fighte- olfnefs ; Lord I fly to thee for it, I am a poor difeafed creature ; the Plague is upon my foul, and thou art appointed to heal the Soul of the Pla-goe I come to thee for healing. There is not one of `thoufands that come thus to Chrif+. Will you now fee how the lye civ-en to God ? I profefs for my part, faith one, I know no fuch matter ; jefus is the Chrift, and I profefs to believe fo, and he is ap- pointed of God for fuch and fuch things ; he is fent to preach liberty to the captives ; I know not that there is any fuch bondage. CErifi came to Pave (inners ; alas I know no need of any fuch falvation by.. him ; he came toheal difeafecl Souls ; I amwell enough, what need have I of Chria ? what is this but to give the lye to God ? He that receives not Chrift, makes God a' iyar ; for he doth in effc& fay,., Lord