Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

478 Mr. Scalter'sFoewel sermon: Lord thou fayeft foand fo concern; tg the World ; t know nothing of all this; and fo the lye is giv.TF to God ; And is it nothing to give the lye the great God, the God of Truth ? And I tell you while you protz fs t his .fus to be the Chriff, the Son of God, and in the mean time flie not to him ; you be:ieve him to be the Son of God, and that all Authority is givenunto him, and you will not lull- jea., to his Authority, why you give the lye to God, and is this no- , thing ? z. Confider the fad condition of fuch as believe not according to a r'ght Goipel-believirn ; they are fuch as are lyable to the dreadful - lePr from the Devil that poffibly can be ; He that believeth, is born of God, overcomes the World, and is enabled to keep him- felf,that the wicked one dot h not touchhim with a mortiferous touch; but I tell thee whatever thou art , that art under the power of unbelief thou art in danger of a dread touch from the Prince of darknefs, and if thou livesi and dyell in a gate of unbelief , thou wilt fail under the power of condemnation. I remember what our Sa viour (peaks, and confider well ofit, Ton fletndout m oppfltion lo my Doetrzne; hnt I tell yen, Except pin believe that I am he, yinfhall dye inyour fins; a dreadful word, you 11241141e in yourfins, and what then, be damned etanAlly; this is the condition of all fuch as are in a (late of unbelief : but men on the other hand , in cafe we be able togive a good account of our believing that Jefus is the aria , the Son of God, and of our believing on him concerning whom thefe tellimo- nies are given , Oh what cattle have all fuch to rejoyce In their con. dition ! the condition of fuck parfons is happy beyond all expreffion and comp -ehenfion , that have owned thefe truths, owned that je- fus clef whom the faithful teffirnonies are given. Now all the Chapter , according to the account I havegiven you , comes in to the purpofe ofcomforting and rejoycing the hearts of fuch perfons. Here is your comfort now ; really believing accor- ding to a right interpretation of Gofpel-believing , this is your pri- viledne , you are the perfons that are born from above, you are the perfons that (hail be enabled to overcome the world , to bear up a® gain(} all oppoloion that Men and Devils can make againif you; you are the perfons 'that have the vtitnefs withinyou o and you (hall he able to bear tip agairill all the contradiftions of fanners ; -you are the perfons that have Chrift , and have eternal life by him ; you fhall have it, nay, you hove it alreVly; He that b :licvsth on the Son of fed, bath eternalIle; He bath it in the beginnings of it e and (hall have it in the compleat fiate of it; being brought over to Gofpel-believinfo youmay come with boldnerno.God in a way of prayer, with holy confidence