Nr.Sclater'sFareagi Sown; 479 confidence that whatever elfe you ask believing,you (hall have a good account of it; God doth not neglea any believing prayer of a b.:lie- ving foul : And all the priviledges of the Gofpel are entailed upon you, and youare entitled upon them, and you (hall have the l enefit of themwhile you live, and when )ou dye unto all Eternity ; well it may be faid of fuch a perfon , bleffed is he and fhe that bath be- lieved with a Gofpel-believing Gofpel-truths and teitimonies con- cerningChria, and on Chrift, on whom thofe refamonies are given; for there fluff be a full and perfet accomplifliment of whatever God hath fpoken with his mouth concerning fuch, And then laftly , If the graceof God harhbrought us over to a doling with Chris , of whom thefe truths and reaimonies are given; why the laa branch of the Application is but this, That you would bur juaifie your believing, and labour to manifea the reality of your be- lieving, according to the Gofpel, by a futaulewalking ; this is that that than be the dolingup of this Application. Oh Brethren, Let us confider well, our Saviour tells us in c./12dt. I a, wifdom is jultified of her Children. Why , if ever we mean to approveour felves to be Wifdoms Children, our care mu(} be for tor give in our juaification of Wifdoms fayings , and for to carry it in a congruoufnefs and futablenefs unto that Gofpel-believing which we profefs to be by grace brought over to. Why , but what is that, youwill fay ? Why, confider the Text, and fee what rernairs of the Chapter. I will make it out, give it up toyou in this way Why, Fiat of all, this one fpecial duty that lies upon you, That youwould Rudy your mercy, and know what God hath been toyou, and done for you , aidhow highly you are dignified 7 and not to be alwayes in a fluetuating flate ; andupon the queflioning and dif- puting point ; but to come to fome well grounded confidence ; that youmay be able to fay , weknow that this and that is our con- dition , and this .and that is our dignified priviledge that we are planted under. Dobut mark how the point in hand doth charge this upon us , in the I 3. Verfe of this Chapter , Thefe thing's have I writ to you that believe on the NOW ofthe Son of god, thatyou may know that youhave Eternal Life. Here is your duty accordin. b to what the Text it feif doth charge upon you; If you be fuch as by grace are broi'ght over to a Gofpel-believing, the Apoale yobro that did vvri-e this Epifile, and I from it, preachunto you in the 1:1ame of the Lord , and by authority from him, that this is your duty, to know that you are per- fors that have Eternal Life, that you are fuch as Ch rift by Ins blood lhattma4e a purchateof Eternal Life for ; that,hz bathby his blood CIS1 q epee