484!) fdr. ca ter9s Fame,Sermin: once for all entred into the holy place, that is not made with hands,- that hemight prepare for you, and that you might have the poffefrion of thofe bleffed Manfions that he bathmade preparation of. Eternal Life it is yours,and you may bebold to claim it , and yam are bound to hope and rejoyce in theexpetiation of the full enjoy. rnent of it, and not to be alwayes upon the queflion , and &pitting point, but to go on with a holy confidence towards God , according to what the Apollie expreffe3 , I Cor. 2. We know that when this- Earthly Tabernacle"hall be dpived lye fhallhave, a Houle not made, with hands, etc, But then, a fecond thing that I have to charge upon you, is this , That you would acknowledge with all thankfulnefs and enlargednefs of heart, toGod the riches of his mercy , and grace to you , that bath been pleafed to cull you out of an unbelieving world , and bring you over to the Gofpel , and to the participations that are by ChriRy accordin. b to the Gof?el : Oh ! This you should fet your hearts up-- on , by admiring the riches of Gods grace ; and fay , Lord , why Iliould'fl thou manifeil thy felf tome , and not to the world ! That many thoufands fhould live and dye in the total ignorance of Chriff , and the Gofpel-rnylleries , or, elfe live and die in an emptie profef-- fion; and yet that God fhould be pleafed to pitch upon me This is that chit the Text doth hint unto us in Verfe 19. of this Chapter. Oh ! faith he, in a triumphing manner, We know that we are of Cod, and that the whole world lie .in irkkednef) : Oh I our mercies , and the riches of grace that bath appeared to us , while the whole world that lies in wicitednefs , is put into the malignant one , lies in the Devil, for he is the malignant evil one, while the whole world lies in the Devil in malignitie ! Oh ! It is a fad condition , infinitely more fad than for a man to lie in the moll noifomea flunking ditch-, or in the loathfonneff kennel; why this i that that - heightens the mercy topoor fouls that are called by grace according to the purpofe of God, that while the whole world lies in vvickedneffe, and fo are like to lie;- yea, and to lie in Hellto all Eremitic, that God fhould ipleafe to lay you in the bofom °Ibis Son, and to take you into the arms of his mercie ; this is that that flaouldheighten our thankful. ineffe. I may make de of that exprellion which we find in saas 4. when Paml andBernabas came unto a company ofHeathens, and they lawwhat great things were done by them, and took noticeof the gra. clouts fpirit that they difcovered, fure fay they, The Gods are rrme form% u i i tbr likenersof men. Confidering",the flare of times, and what a height ofwickednelle many at this day are grown up unto, the dreadful fwearinc blafphemningof Godand his mks ra4ly judge _ - _