Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Sciateei Parettiel Serition:, *31 f ,your Lewes, whether we may not fay the Devils are come among us in the likenefs ofmen. Why now oh ! How fhould we heighten 'our love and thankfulnefs toGod, that fhould pleafe in freegrace try `bring us over to doze with jefus ChriR ! But then fourthly , As many as are 'orought over to gofpe/bdie. wing , this is your dude to Rudy , and enckavour what you can your advantages in Faith; Andfo the ApoRle gives is-in charge here in the Chapter, in Verre a3. Theft things have I writ toyou that believe on the Name ofthe San of God., thatyou may (now tb.t you have eternal life and that you may believe on the Son of God. This is that you Mould let about, IfGod hath brought youover to a doting with 'Chria , and -an embracing of the teRimonies concerning him , be- lieve more and more,, labour for your advancement , and let it be yourPrayer, Good Lordencreafe our Faith : Labour that you may be clear in your appehenfions of Gofpel-myfieries , and that you may be more flrong in your adherence to Chria, of-whom thole Gofpel- teRimonies are given, and that you may not only come to have an -adhering faith , but to an aCuring faith ; that-you may not be like 'waves toiled and tumbled up and down ; but -that you may come to be rooted , and etlablithed , and grounded in your faith.; that you may not come to benanietled by Herefie 'corrupt Docarines., or the Apottatieof others, but that:you may be fledfall and unrnoveable. Yet further fifthly, This is to be given in charge to fuch as do be- lieveaccording to the Gofpel, that they carry it Curably to a belie Rate, as in thole particulars that I have infilled upon , fo in a deportment congruous and futable to the priviledges which belong rto believing : You are born of God ; carry it as Men and Women That are fo indeed : What ! Born of God, the Sons and Daughters olGod ! What ! and not live according toGod? and not Rudy con- formitie to God ? I remember what fpeaks there concerning Amnon, How is-it, that thou being the Kings Soy, art lean from day to day ? How is it, that we that profefs to bethe Sons and Daugh- ters of God are lean and lank , not more improved;? That we do not Phew forth God, and exprefs ? This lies in the 'beginning of Che. Chapter , If yon be born of god , remember -that you 6e born of him that is the God of Love ; And rherefoe you are to manifea this birth and your believing, and your being born of-God, by loving God, and by loving them that are born of°God ; He that believrth is born of God, and hrth,:t loveehlatm that begat,loveth him that it begotten of him. The God of Love dot h beget a People of Love a lovingGod, a loving People ; And this is that that you fhould exprefs your Believingby, and your Adopd- 0_ ci q 2 on