Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Mr. Sclateej Pi:Mu! Sermon.- 483 It might be laid, What is this to us ? Are'we in dangerof Idols? True, Well Might the Apbflle give in fuch a Charge to them in thole dines, when the greateft part of the World were in a {fate of Hea- thenifm, and in estrangement fromChrif+, and the myfteries of the Gofpel ; But this I fay, it doth really concern Chrillians in Gofpel- tittles, that have had the breakings out of theGorpel-light; and the knowledge of Gofpel-myfleries, to be careful of this Charge, that they keep themfelves from Idols ; there were the Idols of the Hea- thens ; grant it, and fo tfill there are a generationof People that our Souls fhould mourn over to confider their flare, that are wrapt up in ignorance of god, know nothing of the true God, and of our Lord jefus Chrift, and it is the flare and condition of the Jews at this day ; and what a fad condition are they in I Grant it that they do not worfhip Idols after the manner of the Heathens ; yet they wor- ' fhip not the true God, becaufe they worfhip not God in Chrift : or F faith the Apofile , whoever fins, and abided, not God Doarine of Chrifi , he bath not God.; He that abides in the Dothine ofthe Chrifi he bath the Father andthe Seel : And fo the Jews at this day , they not abiding : rot owning the Doarine of Chriff, they have not God, becaufe they havenot the Father and the Son; this is their conditior: And thus , I fay , there were rot only the idols of the Heathens. Oh ! but fadly be it fpoken , there are Idols amongPerfons preten- dm°. to Chrif1; and Gofpel faith, and the Do& rine concerning grace by Jefus Chrift. How many Idols and Idolaters are there ? I might tell you , the Covetous perfon is an Idolater , the Voluptuous perfon , and the Self-julliriary lets upbis own Righteoufnefs , and Idolizeth that : But I fay this, there are Idols among Chrinians ; Papifis hold forth the Name of Chrift , but 'yet what woeful Idolatry is there among rhem ? There was the Dragon-worfhip in the time of the Heather s, and in the room ofthat, there is come up the Beaa-worfhip , and of that Worfhip the generality of theworld runs upon; and it con- cerns us cokeep from Popifh Idolatry, it being the groffef+Idol:try that ever was, becaufe there is the faire(( pretence of vvorfhipping JESUS, and yet they turn him into an Idol. What elfe means their worshipping andbowing to Images their-breaden Gods, and the like ? Oh ! therefore it concerns us to keep our felves from Idols; And there is a Scripture, if it were but well fludied , would caufe trembling of heart , and make all that have any care of their fouls to look about them; thatScripture I refer you to, it is in Rev:l. 7 3. comparedwith the z oth. In 2Qvel. t 3. t t. whereas before there was Dragon-woribip , it is laid here, I ichelii another Beal' toning