4t4 AA.' Selater's Earewe/ Seri/ion: c,,i,png.g,it of the Earth ). and 1: e bad two i--ioreis liked sLamb dnd h - flaky As a Drava 7- and he exercifetb all the Power 4 the firft Beall .before him , ana caufeth the Ea: th 7 and them that dwell therein, To .worth'ip thefirit B.afl, whafe deadly woundwas healed; Now look at the Stio.Verfe, faith he And 411 the Dwellers upon the Earthfhall woro piphim, -whofe Names are not written in the Bookef Life, ofthe Lard, flain from the FoundiIionoftheworld. Oh ! It is a terrible word , and that that fhould make us to fear and tremble , lea in any kind we fhould be drawn into the worfhip of the Beau ; for as many at were not written in the Book of Life of thellamb., theywere drawn in to the worfhip of the Beall. This is that that fhould make us ,keep our felves from Idols, fromwhat foever bath but fo much as a Tin9ure of Superftition and Idolatry ; and the rather, confidering thattyher Scripture in the 2, oth. of the kevelatiorro and the fait \Terie, > dzyklever Was notfound written in the Book of Life was eaft i.rito the Lake of Fire. All that are not written in the Lambs Book of Life , are prevailed to perform the worfhip with the Beat, and not being writ there, muff be tumbled into the Lake for ever This therefore concernsns, to keep from:Idolatry, fromwhatfo- ever bath a tendency that way, and that bath any tinftnre of'Super- itition upon it and confider with your felves, that our Duty is. in matters of Worship, and in thins concerning the Worfhip of God, to fee to it, that wekeep a humble dependance upon God., that we walk not according to the will of men, but according to God ; re were bought wiih a price, be not Servants -of Men. We are to walk by a Line, by a Plummet, and what is not warranted by the Word . of God, or. maintainable by :Arguments drawn frog it, we thould not dole with. And for the doling up ofall, .do but confider how. this Chapter, and the things that I have fpoken to von, and preached from it,how :they do all influence this Exhortation, Little Children .keep your felves from ; fee to it, that you approve your felves in hOly worfhip to God, and the Lord jefus. Do but argue thus, You profeis to be Believers.; and is it not OM-duty to anfwer to this profeflion ? your Faith is a pure Faith, and an obediential Grace ; it is a Grace that will tutor you to hang upon Chria,& his Appoint- ments and Inititutions..; and therefore being Believers, flay tO--, keep your felves from=Idols ; and whatever is not confonant to the will of God concerning.Worfhip. You believe that Jefus is the Chrift, the Son of God ; keep your felves from Idols in this repeCt ;'for he is cake into the world, and bath (hewed the pattern of his Hoare and then you are born of God ;