Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Mr. Sciaietst roarel Se m*. 414 God ; carry* like a people that are born of God, that are high born, and credit your holy Profeffion, by keeping a dependance up-, on that God ofwhomyou are born : And then being believers, you are born of God, and have overcome the world, and therefore Phew forth your HeroickSpirit, by Itanding out in oppolition to Idols, aad whatever is contrary to foundDatrine, and the power of god- linefs. You have an. Unaion from, theholy one, and thiS engages you to look to it, that you keep your felves from Idols ; And then-we know (faith he) that the Son of God is, come, andhathgiven us. render flanding that we may, know him' that is true ; and we are in him that is even in his Son f eriss Cbrill. And thereupon he brings in this, Lit- tie Children, keepyour [elves from Idols as if he fhould fay, This is the true God, God in Chrift, jefus Chriff' the' Son of the Father, this is the true God, and he hath eternal life with him ; other Gods are falfe Gods, and what benefit will you have by following them , and performing worfhip to them ? Nothing but eternal death fare Gods can: bellow no eternal life upon you ;, but this is the true God, and he can give you eternal life ; And therefore, Little Children, keepyourfelves from Idols. - And now yet one word more. rwould not occafion any,dif- compofure of fpirit that is .ot beconTingqou ; But this I muff fay, for ought I know, you have the words of a Dying man, and we ufe to fay, that the words of Dyingmen they are apt tomake fomewhat a deep impreffion ; I mean a Dying man , not in propernefs of fpeech according to nature ; and if it should be fo, I hope there would be caufe of rejoycing on my part ; But I fpeak the words,-of a Dying man in refpeet of Minifferial Office. I fuppofe you all know , there is an Aet comelorthbySupream Authority, and it is not for us to quarrel at all, but to fubmit to it , and hold correfpondency with it fo far as we can with a good Con- fcience;. and there being many Injnnaions, that many, belides my, 'elf , cannot comply, withal', therefore we are willing,: tofubmit to the penalty inffli &ed. This I fay ). you have for many years had the benefft-of my poor-- .:,abours; I have fullfilled near up towards 4o. years-, and have per- formedmy fervice to God , Chria ,. and his People, and I biers his- Name, not Without acceptance and fiaccefs.. My Work, fo far as I know, in this courfe , as in the. Weekly courfe , is now at an cud ; my Dzfire is , that you whofe hearts have been inclinable towait. upon God in the way ofmy Miniilry, maybe kept faithful to God ,. and that you may have the bleffing of the everlaffing Covenant con-