486 _ Mr.Sdatees FaradSermon: ruing upon your fouls , and that yon may have the power of this Dodrine , held forth in this Sermon , put forthupon your hearts that as you do believe that jefus is the Chriil , that Jefusis theSon of God, that as you profels there things;:; you may carry it futably to your profeflion , that you may walk in Love toGod , Love to Chrif+, and Love toone another ; that youmay labour tomanifeft a noble, generousSpirit in overcoming the World in Errours, CON tuptions, fanDoarines, and unwarrantable Worfhip; that you may in all things labour to approve your reives And Little all. dry:, Wpm. Selve,sfrom Mob) ?calm