44. Mr. Cafes Sermon, Topbet : The Lordbath chajlened me fore, but he bath not given tne over untodeath, Pfal. 118. 18. Though men have loft their bowels,Gods campallions fait not ; God's as faithful as ever ; he hath taken away fome of our mercies, but he bath not taken away all ; he bath left us more then he hath taken : They are new, they are renewed eve- ry morning ; when old mercies are (pent, Gad fends us new, he is the Father of mercies, begets newmercies every moment. Who can number or meafure his mercies of One day ? whatever our fears. are, Oh bleffed be God, he loads us with mercies. Now the Complainer overlooks all theta ; there's much unthank- fulnefs in it, and thats a kind' ofAtheifine, Sheknew not that Igave her corn andwine &c. Hof. 2. 8. 2. Pride ; on:1y by pride comes contention; men never quarrel with God about their condition, but 'tis long of the pride of their heart proud manwould fain fin,8c not hear fromGod ; would take liberty to fin,but would not have God take liberty to punifh, God mutt take notice of our dutys,not ofour fins.God fhall hear of it,ifhe take not notice ofour prayers ; but it fhall be by complaining . if he take notice ofour fins. A proud man whatever he bath, it's no more than his dues & whatever hewants,God's his debter,Hof.6.4. The want of a Complement undoetn'them in the micift of ho- nor : if we want but one thing our hearts would have, Purely na- ture is proud and ready to pick quarrels withGod on the leaft occa- lion ; nay ifhe will not give that mercy,we would take all, &c. 3. Rebellion; God ftrikes him for fin, he hikes againft God; Jer. 31.18. God draws one way, and he another, &e. 4. Vnbelief; He that complains ofhis punifhment, never believ- ed fin to be Co great an evil, or God to be fuch a One as revealed in the World. 5. Interpretative B/afphemy. I. While we difpute- our affliCtions, and wrangle with the prefent difpenfation, what is it but to make our felves wifer then God ? We teem to tell God how it might have been better, and fo we do as it were give God counfel : When he calls for obedience, is not. that Blafphemy to Pet up our wifdom againft Gods ? `2. While wecomplain of punifhment we take fins part againft God 3, wedo as it Were juftifie fin,and judge God : God is unrigh, teous to'punith fuch a fin as this with fuch grievoiis 3. By complaining we do as it were fummon God to our Bar, to come and give an account of his a&ion at our Tribunal, What poor tniferable Creatures are we, that in our affliaions are fo far from helpingow [elves, that we commonly add to our own mifery