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n-eached Auguit 17. 166. 47 Oh do younot onlyyour fire works, but ourfore-fathers firft works: Be as zealous for God, and his Truths, as tender, mutually care< fill ofone another as they. Our fears be very great, and truly our provocations be greater our dangers are great, but our fins greater, yet here is a word, here is matter of encouragement, that yet there is Balm in Gilead, Phyfick of Chrifts own compofition, for the reviving and healing of a back-flidingpeople. Chriflians, Chrift Jens is become your Phyfitian, he bath prefcribed you a portion made up of thefe three ingreedients, Self-DefleFion, Holy Contrition, Thorow Reformation. Chrittians, now take this Receipt, Chrift advites you if you will not, there is no way but one, Or elle Iwill come unto thee quickly, andwill remove thy Candleflickt There is yet a means or two I find in Scripture, for the preven. ting of threatned ruine that hath been very near, that God bath preferibed for a people or perfon in great danger, when ready to be cut off and deftroyed. Now, that which I would commend to you in referrence to what youwould beg ofGod for England, is, Firft, In your addrefling your (elves toGod, for that mercyyour fouls are fet upon, and you %crate with God for, that you would make ,fonie fpecial Vow to God. I finde the Saints have done fo,. when reduced to great ftraits, not knowing what to do : ThusTicob vowed a vow, .faying, If God will be. with me, and will keep me in this way that Igo, and will me me bread to eat, and raiment tom on, fo that I come again to ray Fathers boilfe inpeace ; then'hall the Lordbe my God. And this Stone which Ihere fet for a pillar, fkall be Gods Holife Gen. 28.2o, 21, 22. The fpecial thingJacob vows, is that he would continue in the pure worship ofhis fore-fathers, that he would !till honour God, as his God, in that way he would be worfhipped ; the fpecial thing is, that he would build a houfe for theworfhip ofGod; here he would ere6t a place of publick worship. And thus Ifraei vowed a vow unto the Lord, and laid, litho wilt indeed deliver thispeo- p?e into my hand, then will I utterly delir©y their Cities, Numb. 21. 2. They vowed a vow theywould not fpare any of the enemies ofGod,.. if he would deliver them into their hands. Thus Jepthah, Hannah, David, Ste. judg. 1 I. 3 1. I Sam. I. II. Pfal.132. I, 2, Certainly in times of great difL efS 'tis not improper or uncomely, but that which God may expert an I take well, that you make Come fpecial vow, if God wouldprevent your fears, if God would continue for- feited mercies, dearer to you then your lives, you would fet apart fom.e fpecial thing for God, .fomething for the propagation ofthe Gof