Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

FAREWEL MONS PREACHED by Mr. Calamy." Dr. Bates.: ' Mr. Brooks. Dr. Manton. Mr. Watfon. Mr. Collins. Mr. Caryl. Mr. Lye. Mr. Beerman. Mr. Cafe. > Mr. Mede.. >Mr. Cradocott. Mr. jenki.n. Dr. Seaman. Mr. Bull. Mr. Baxter. Mr. Yenning. Mr. Pledger. Dr. Jacomb. Mr. Newcomen. Mr. Sclater. Together with, C 17 ' - -' Mr . . Calamies Sermon at the Fun. of Mr. Alb. _His Serm. Decemb. 28. at A/dermanbury. Dr. Hortons Serm. at the Fun. of Mr. Nalton Mr. ,dyes Summary rehearfal at the conclufion of the laft Morning-Exercife at All-hallows Lumber:Peet. And their feveral Prayers prefixed to each Sermon. Reviled and Correded from the many faults offormer Editions, andnow colleCted into one entire Volume, for publick Benefit. LONDON, Printed in the Year, MDCLXIII.