58 Air; jenkin's forenoon Sermon,' pear with him in glory they are not poffeffors here, but they are Heirs, and are to be look'd upon as what they thall be hereafter : Here they are Princes going to their Crown, hereafter they fhall be poffeffed of it : Here they may be oppreffed, banifh'd, difgrac`d, libell'd hereafter they (hall thine as the Sun in glory. 2dly. They are not only fuch as (hall be happy, but they are very ufeful and beneficial in the world, theyare thole for whole fake the worldwas made, they are the great common bleffings of the world, like fire and water, they are thofe for whore Cake God (pares the world. If God would have fpared the City for ten righteous perfons lakefurely for many tens God fpares the world ; thole that are pull'd down by the world, are thole for whole fake God doth not pull down the world, they are the foul of the world, as I may fo fay : if God had gathered in all his Elea, the world would not continue one hour longer. 3. The excellency oftheir performances is highly efleemed, there is a worth in every holy workthat world- lings are not able to difcern ; every heavenly Prayer, and fincere- ly bellowed Al me=, bath a worth that a carnal man doth not fee : Luther fayes, I had rather do the least truly good work, then obtain all the Conquells of Cxfar andAlexander : If their good works [hall be fo rewarded, do you think a holy man can fee them and not be ta- taken with them Many a wicked man when he hears a holy man make an excellent Oration, wilhes that he could do fo too, it is notfromthegoodnefshe obferves in it,or the principle fromw [mice it comes, but from fomething ofnatural accomplifhments that he is taken with it : fo a godly mall when he hears another pray ex- cellently, and live holily, he willies from his heart that he could do fo too, his aim is to grow in holinefs. 4. The prefent priviledges of the people of God, not only what than they have hereafter, but what they have here, they are freed from a worldof evils that Worldlings lie under, whatever befais them turns to their benefit, they may be afflifted, but not hurt by affliaion, the greateft hurt the world does to them, tends to their great& good. Worldlings may take away their Heads, they cannot their Crown : There is a real communicationof a bleffed intereft in all that is good, for they have an intereft in all that God hath, oris,the power of God is theirs to prote& them, the love of God is let Upon them, the righteoufnefs of God imputed to them, fo as to acquit them from fins fo'that a child of God may not only ap- -peal tothe bowels of GOds Mercy, but to the bar of.ruflice, all the providences of God (hall tend to their good : In the 25. Pfalrn, about the toth verfethe Holy Ghoft (ayes, Alithe waves of God are