Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Preached. Auguff 17. 1662. 6t it was with Chrift, fo it is with the fervants of Chrill, when he was on Earth, no man had more ignominie poured upon him, yet there was a fecret glory attended him : in all that befel bim,though born in a Manger, yet worfhippedtthere : fometimes he was driven to be hungry, the Fiffn brought him money : fometimes a weary, at that very time converts a Woman : forntimes laid holdon by his Ene- mies, at that very time his Enemies fell down before him. Look through the whole courfe of his life, there was a fecret glory under all iculominvo lull thus it is with the fervants of Chiift, they P are in trouble and difgrate, but there is a fecret glory anddignity 'Lines in them : the Spirit of Godand of glory reps upon them : if ye fuffer for righteournefs fake Welled are ye : to be in high place,, and yet to be a Drunkard, or a Swearer, or a Whoremafter, or Pro- phane, this fnoils all thy glory, be thou never fo high. 4. Inference. This the Way for a man to have a good name:wOuldeft thOu gain a good report living and dying ? Take heed of fin, take. heed of difhOnering God : then God will have thee ineverlafting. remembrance. 5. Inference. Note here thecertain happiriers of thele beholders, that do fee certain excellency in Holiners, though difgraced and undervalued : if there be any thing in the world that is a fignof fincerity it is this, to lore holinefs when difgraced, abufed, and fpit upon; to crofs the Dream, and thwart the multitude, is a fign of the truth of grace, and (trength of grace : This is a fign of a true fight, a ftrong fight. To fee beauty in a godly man in fuffer- ings:theLord will certainly have an eye upon thee in times of trou- ble ; Here is comfort in thine infirmities. Doft thou love holinefs when compaffed about with fufferings and perfecution God will take notice of thy grace, though con-Tailed about with abundance. ofinfirmities ; the Lord will take notice of a little of a great deal of ours : Here's comfort in fufferings ; if you regard his in their fufferings,the Lord will remember you inyour.fufferings; the Lord wilLremember what thoU didft for Inch and fuch a Servant of his in trouble or difirels. God dot.h not caft away any in their low-. nefs, that have kept dole to him in their highners ; and this will be comfort in inward trouble, when thou unit find nothing, from-, .which to fetch comfort. And this will be comfort in the, laft day ; though we can faynothingin that day by cs7ay of merit, yet it will be comfort to be able fincerely to fay that thou haft owned Godand, his people in the midfl offiifferings: Do ye think that judge. would' not lave that Malefaaor that had fared the life ofhis Wife ? l (thou haft owned Chrift when he was in his Rags,, do not fear but he will. 6, own thee When he comes in his Robes,, Infer..