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6.2 His Prayer after Sermon. 4tt. 6. Inference. And lalt, the People of God Ihould learn to be dire- couraged uuder any mifery or affiiaion that can befal the'in World; at this very timeGodhath a high efteern of you ; At this time you are his delight, his garden, his Spode. The Saints of God are the wilemen of the World ; they have choien that which cannot be taken from them : I profefs Sirs. the, love of one Saint makes amends for all the hatred you undergo from finners ;theyve- ry.yhemicelves have a good opinion of you, when you do not bafely comply ; their Conferences cannot but have an high efleem ofyou, when paradventure their tongues might (peak againf}you. If all this will not do, remember, your own Confciences are more then a thoufand vvitneffes for you, will then comfort you ; No man is a miferableman for any thing in the world that is done to him, or Paid of him ; No, it is a good Confcience that will give the beff acquittance ; fot thee to have the whole number of Gods peoplets look upon thee as an unworthy Wretch,and as a vile perfon, I look upon it as a greater ignominy and difgrace, then to have all the difgraces of wicked men caft upon thee : That than that hath a godlyman to be afraid of him, had need to be very much afraid of himfelf. I fhall conclude all with this one word, There is gi eat reafon to look narrowly to your hearts and wayes, when they thud at a diftance from you, and are afraid to come near you. 44+44PSI444.4+4444+444+4,44+444444.44.44 His Prayer after S E R. !VI 0N. L0 RD our God, thou art never weary of doing us good, if we ei- ther con(der the mercies thougiveft to us, or the miferies that thou keepeil fromus, that yet we have another opportunity of drawing nigh to thee, we befeech thee, 0 Lord, let not our nzifinterpreting fueh opportunities as thefe are, caule thee to take them from us, or thy felt ,from them ; if thou doff Lord, we cannot but juilifie thee, and ,abafe our felves, andlie low before thee becaufe we,have finnedagain(i thee.; 0 Lord we blefs thee, that we are yet alive to biers thee, that yet we have not finned our bodies into a coldgrave, nor, our fouls into a fcorching Hell ; thougive;t us our beings, if' thou withdraw thy felf, we ceafe tobe, and (hall return to our fiat nothingnefs fromwhencewe came: the living, the living they praife thee; as if we know our own hearts, we define to do at this time. Praifedbe Godfor Jefus Chriff, that hediedandrofeagain, and is liow a pleading at thy right hand for poor finners. Praifed be. God that he is offered to us, for hisfake, 0 God pardon all our fins : let our luils die, that wojuld not let the Lord of life live ; let not anyone of them live I!: