76 Mr. yenAitt's afternoon Sermon, defign and dedicate them. Now for this take 'notice, that-between i. the deigning and appointing of a place; 2. the dedication of a place ; and 3.the confecratingofa place,thereare thefe differences. 1. Concerning the defignation of a place ; Then is a place de- figned, when it is appointed to be made ufe of for the molt conve- mence for filch a fervice, as Tuefday and Wednefday may be ap- pointed for Lecture-days not conCecrated. Now you mull know, that this defignation ofa day may be altered, and fo may a place : it fuch a placebe deligned, it is our power to make ufeof it, fo as to leave offthe ufe of it when we pleafe. 2. As to dedication, I mean folawfully to dedicatea place,which is ofour own right to difporeof; fo to dedicate it, as not again to be able to revoke it, or call it back from fuch a life and purpofe. It is lawful and commendable for a rich man to dedicate Co much groundor money, for building a houfe for a Free-School, or for the poor, and to give it away from our felves, and from our own right anciTower ; and if fo be that a man hath power or proprie- ty over a place or thing, it is lawful for a man to alienate Inch a thing. And yet thisyou muff know by theway, that this Dedicati- on that now is in the time of the Gofpel, cloth very much differ from that dedication of Free-will-offering unto God in the time of theLaw;for they were dedicated to God in the timeof the Law im- mediately, that is, to his inimediate Worfhip; it was part of Gods Worfhip,it was a part of Religion to do that thing:whereas it is not now dedicated to the immediate worship of God,but it is dedicated immediately to filch a Prieti, or Miniffer, or Place, or company of People, that we have a good-will to gratifie ; and fo it more re- motely redounds to Gods glory, not immediately. For God hath not declared in his Word the fame acceptation in the Gofpel of things done in an immediate way, as he had in the time of the Law, ofwhich acceptation now we have no filch promife. And therefore it is ohrervable, as one (peaks concerning that Benefaaor in the Gofpel to the Jews, He bath lovedour Nation, andbuilded us a Syna- gogue, it is not laid, for God, but for us ; This man out of love to us hath bellowed thele things to God ; which, though a giving our felves out ofour own power, yet it doth differ from the Free -will- offering in the time ofthe Law. Ay, but now, Sirs, ye mut} know, that fanEtification, or confecration,that is a great deal more; when we fanEtifie a thing, or coniecrate a thing, this thing that is fo con- fecrated, it is fo holy, that there mull nothing at all of unholinels, or of a civil or fecular employment and concernment be done in it. Nowwe do not dedicate a thing, but there may be fecular things iii