Preached Auguft 17. 1662. 8 3 2. Hence the Superffition of thole is to be reproved, which` put holines in places of burial, and make it more holy to be buried in one place then inAnother : it is more holy (fay they) to be buried in theChurch, than in the Church-yard, and more holy under the Communion Table than any, other part of the Church. 3. This reproves them which cannotpray any where but in the Temple, and they that lire private Prayers in Churches : if you have houles and roortis at home, what is the rearon that if Pods or anyother Church ftand open, you in thither, and drop ,down behind a Pillar' to fay your Prayers ? 4.This reproves themthat have reverence towards anyplace more than another, as if they did deferve more holineffe in,one part than in anotheros.bowing to theAltar or Communion-Table,or the like. 5. It reproves that that havereverence for fcituation of there places, they mutt fland Eaft arid Weff, and why not North and South ? all there things fall off like Fig-leaves ; If what I. have raid be true, that there is no holinefs in places, and this I have made known, to you, not only as my judgement, but as my dude.. Now for Exhortation, I fhall defire you to take notice of four things, and I have done, and (hall leave youto God, and commit you to theWord of his grace. If this be fo, that there is no boll- tiers in places, then firft ofall to be the more encouraged to ferve God in your families, in thole places where God path let you,where God is as well pleated with your. fervice as in publick places ;- ferve -God upon your-knees with devotion,htmilitie and reverence. And therefore, though' I am agaitift Superflition, and Popifh pra&ifes, and thole wicked turfed traps ofInnovations, that-the men of the world have difturbed the Church ofGod with; yet I ain againff put- ting on your hats in prayer, and fitting in prayer. Thole that are for bonnet's of places, do not with Abraham, in every place. they come, build God an Altar. But let us in every clofet rand room build God an Altar ; let no morning nor evening go, with- out a prayer in thy Family, pray often, andpray continually, let your houies be as fo many Churches, as you read in Rom. 16. 5. Likfwife greet the CburCh that is in their boufe : and in the fecond verfe Epiftle, To the Church that is in thy houfe; a there the houfes ofthe Saints are called Churches. Thiswill bring a lolef- fing upon-your Families: And ifyou be not willing to have that curie denounced againft you, (in 7'er.,io 25. Pour out thy,fury, upoh? the Heathen that know thee not, and upon theFamilies that call not upon tky Name) then negle& not family prayers; be much in prayer,and pray with frecinency and encouragement, becauleGal bindi you to no place. IA 2-