Baxter's Sermon, +444+044.+44,4444+4,444444,0044++404441,0 Mr. Baxter's SER. MO N. Coloff.2.6,7.Asye have therefore receivedChri,1 Jefus theLordSo walk, in hint : tootedand built in hitn, and ellablithed in thefaith ; as ye ' . have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. Mitting the divifion, and in part the openingof the words,the Obfervation is this; That thole that have received Chri;i yefus the Lord, 71110 accordingly be rooted, built up in him, andjfiablifhed in the faith; and walkin him as they have been taught, and abound therein with thanksgiving. This receivingof Chri,1 fignifies to believe in him. It is not only to receive his Dotirine or Benefits,but to receive his Perfon to receive him -as related to us; for thenfes and end for which lie came into the World, and for which he offershimfelf to Souls by the preaching of theGorpel.Sinwers have loft and undone themfelves;Ohri ft comes to be the Phylician of Souls; he_will not Pave the unwilling.aridDefpifers ofhis Grace, while they continue in their unwillingnere. He will fave them by the way ofCovenant; while he confents and tenders them his Grace, he will have them confent to the terms of his covenant. The content of the heart expreft by our covenanting. with him , is this receiving of jefus Chrift. He iswilling to be our Phyfician,and when we take him to be fo, we receive him. Re is willing to fav,e us from the guilt and power of fin, Willing to be our Lord; Head , Intercei- four with God, jullifier, andall unto us; and ifwe confent to this, and take him as offered, this is receiving Chrift; with whom his Be- nefits are alto received; the rem iflionoffins, in dwelling, renewing, comforting fpirit, title to everlafting life ", In the recei ing, Chrift, all this is received. Receiving ofChrift contains there two things; or the two things are effentially contained to make up the nature ofCaving Faith, i.e. to believe the Dotirine of the, Gofpel concerning jefus Chrift to be true,and to confent that the goodneffe that is therein reeealerf and propofed, (hall, be ours. To believe what Chrift is, and what he hath done; Co far to believe it as here we are refolved to ventureour fouls, (though there may be fome weakneffe through, our Faiths imperfe- aion) and believing this Gorpel to be the cerrain Word ofGod; Themnext; to entertain the Chrift that is offered in this Goipel to beours, with all the benefits that accompany , and toall the bieffed ends to which he is revealed : Thus the Water ofLife is freely ten- dred to all that are athirO, and there. is no mar e.required, but come and drink. men