AN EXPOSITION WITH Pra6lica! Obfervations UPON THE Three firít Chapters of the Book of 10 B: Delivered in twentyoneLeaures,atMagnus near the Bridge, LONDON. By JOSEPH CARY L, Mini,fier ofche Gofpel. James 5. ver. io, II, Takemy Beethren,the Prophets, who have fpoken in the nameofthe Lord, for an example offuffering afìiiion, andofpatience. Behold, we count them happywhich endure. Ye have heardof patience of Job, andhavefeen the end ofthe Lord : that the Lord is very piti- ful, andoftender mercy. LONDON, Printed by cwr. Simmons, and are to be fold- by Francis Haley at the end of Chanter, Lane next Holborn, 1669.
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CHRI r ] TO 71TH E p L 7 + p [.I r.0 l Ñ T.i AN READEd. TO Thofe efpecially of this City, who have been the Movers and Promoters of this Work. His Book of Job bears the Image of thefe times, andprefentsus with a refemblance of thepall,pre- fent,and(much hopedfor))future conditionof this Nation. As theperfonal profperityof Job, fo his troubles loolt,li(e our Nationaltroubles;andwhy, maynot the parallel be made up,by-a likenefs in our Reflauration ? Job was the moflflourifhing,thegreatefl manofallthe men of the Ea.fl.Weare thegreatefl,and latelywere the mojt fionrijhing Nation ,ofalltheNationsofthe North. Our Oxenli&e his) were t}rong to labour, our Sheep, brought forth thousands and ten thoufands in our ftreets, our Garners were full, affording all manner of ftore ; our fons (hke`his) asplants grownup in their youth, our daughters as corner- ftones polifhed after the Gmilitude of a palace. There was no breaking-in, nor going-out, no complaining (in reference tooutwardwants) in our ftreets. We waffled our íteps withbutter, and the rockpoured us out Rivers of Oyl. TheCandle ofGod fhined upon our Heads,and the fecret of Godwas upon our Tabernacles: Our roots were fpread out by thewaters, and the dew (ofblegings) lay all night upon our branches. Untous the Nations gave ear and waited, and kept filenceat our counfel; After our words, they fpake not again,and our fpeech dropped upon thein; Ifwe laughed on them,they believed it noteour glory was . freíh in us,and the light of our countenance they call not A 2 down
To the Reader. down : we chofe out their way, and fatechief and dwelt as a King in the army, as one that comforteth the Mourn- ers. s'urely,a happy peoplewere we,being infach a cafe,yea moll happy were we,having theLord(many ways declaring himfelf)for our Gode And hadwe (as thefe mercies didob- liege ass; fill'dup,or labour'd to fillup th' other part,thebet- ter part of Job's chara&er, Hadwe been a People perfea andupright,fearingGod and efchewingevil:Gïemigbt(ac- cording to the pronsis'd , and often experienc'd tenour of God` dealing with his people) have continuedandencrea- fed in all that happinefs unto this day. Bot we (herein asnliketo Job, and, like a foolithNation and unwife)have ill requited theLord,yea,we have regui= ted i he Lord withevil, for, and in the midfb of all this Goodnefs.our Provocations havebeen many,andour Back hidings have been multiplyed. Our fins haveput a Sword into the Handof God: AndGodin Juftice,hathputa Sword into theHands ofunjuff men, men skilful to deftroy. He bath made Babylonians the rod ofhis anger, and the flaffe of his indignation againft us. He hash given Commiffion. o Caldeans and,Sabeans,who rob andfpoyl' irae. Our young men are (lain by the edge of theSword and the flink of our Camps comes up into our Naftrils. How many fad Meffengers have hastened unto as (as unto Job) with the Reports of Cities furrendred and plundered , of Towns fired and pillaged , of Villages and Countries laid waste, and almofl defolate. Now Peeing all this is come upon us,... is it not time for to (with Job) to rent our Garments (yea our hearts with godly forrow)andfallingupon theground, worlhip God and fay, The Lord hath (freely) given,and theLordhath (juflly) taken; BIeffed be the Name of the Lord. Our fins have brought thefe forrows, let not our for- rows bring inmore fin, by coifing us tomurmur againft, or charge God foolifhIy.. God
To the Reader. God never fends f ích troubles upon a Nation, (hedot h fometimes upon a Perfonanddidupon Job) without caufe 5 that is,without refpec ing fin, arsa caufe. Jobmight fiy (in one fenfe) MyUprightnefs and my Integrity have procu- red thefe things untomeBnt we mullfay,our way and our doings have procured thefe things unto us à This is our wickednefs. Yet (though all this evil path been done byus, though all thefe evils are come uponus,yet)there is hope inour Ifrael concerning this thing, yea, I believe, there is mercy in and all thefe evils , to us and all the Ifrael of our God. Only what Integrity we have, let usflill hold it ftedfaflly, what evils are (and what evils almori are not?)amongfl us, let us reform them fpeedily ; Without this,at leafl, without hearty defires, and faithful endeavours after this, we may prefume , but we cannot believe or hopeour Delive- rance. Igrant, that whenfoever God reftòres us, hemuff reftoreus freely, andmufl,bothma(e us good , anddo us good , for his own Name fake, in Jefus Chrifl : For as he hath punithedus lefs then our fins deferve, fowhenfoever, or inwhat degree foever he reflores us, it will he more then any, or all our repentings and refortnings can deferve ;yet he commands,us to repent and reform, that we may be re- fiored. God never delivered any pe-opie for their Repen- tance, and rarely any (if any) without Repentance. Yea I mayfay it plainly, that henever delivered any (inMercy) without Repentance, for either he gave them Repentance before they were delivered, or Repentance (which is far the greater biding of the two ) with the Deliverance. Better have our troubles continue, then ourfins continue. 7o have Peace return, andour hearts unturn'd, were infinitely rvor e then war. And aSRepentance is better then Peace, fo it will be an Argument, that we fhall have Peace : May we not well con- clude,'
To the Reader; chicle that God isupon thegiving-hand,wheri hegives a new heart?And that he bath fòmewhat elfe togive, -when he bath given a love unto, anda longing after his Truth z When Godfeeds its with sandwe have aright tafieof) this Manna in our Wildernefs,wemay ref affitred that Godbath humbled us all this while (and all the while his Wifdom fhallfee fit to humble us yet, trill be) only to prove us, that he may do us good at our latterend, and snake this Nation (at lea, i) like Job, in the end, which he will make. re have heardof the Patience ofJob , andwhat end the Lordmade:Couldwe but hear ofthe K.epentanceofEngland, all the world (Iareperfwaded) fhouldhear and wonder at the end,which the Lord wouldmaize:Even fuck an end as he madefor Job,ifnot a better;he wouldgive us twiceas much in Temporals,double fiches, double Oxen and Sheep, dou- ble Bracelets and Ear-rings, double GoldandSilver, double Sons andDaughters:And he wouldgiveus(which hnot fie- rifled in the Inventoryof Job's repair) feven. fold more in Spirituals,feven. fold more knowledgeof his Truth,purity in hisWot fhip,order inhis boufe; he would make the light ofcur Moon tobe like the light of the Sun, and the light o f our Stn to befeven fold, as the light offevendayes," lathe day wherein he binds upour outward breaches,and heals the firoa/ ofour wound,.2hus, we may look to be refiored (not only as Job) to more in kind, but tobetter in kind, z am fare to better in degree : Wemay look, that, for Brafs we hall have Gold,or our Gold more refined ; that, for Iron wefaall have Silver,or our Silvermore purified ; that,for Wood we faall haveBra fs,or our Brafs better furbifhed;that,for Stones we Jhallhave Iron, or our Iron better tempered ; We may loolti,that,our Officers Jhallbe Peace,andour Exaaors righ- reoufnefs,that violence ballno more be heard'in our Land, walling nor defiruaion withinour borders , but men fäall c: ll our Walls Salvationandour Gates praile. hen
To the thefe glorious iflùes ofour troubles /ballbe,is inhis hand, who held Job's elate in hishand, fo fast, that Satan could not touch a Sheep nor a fhoe-latchet,till himfelfwil- led: andwho,whenhip timecaane,reflored Jobs eihate double, to a Sheep and a fhoe-latchet, whether Satan and hisSabe- ans would or no.We have already feen,in Job, anEpitome of ourformer prosperity andof our prefent troubles, thegood Lord haften the latter part of our National likenefs unto him,in thedoubled (andO that itmight be afèven-fold)re- ftaurationofourPeace and Truth. In the mean time thefe Meditations upon this Scripture, . well digefed&_taken in,may be(through the bleflùig ofGod upon them)ei help to our patience, in bearing thefe afic`. ions upon the land, a help- to our faith in believing, and to our hope inwaiting for the Salvation of the Lord - Whatsoever things were writtenafore-tire,werewritten for our learn- ning(buithis B00% was purpofely written) that we through patience and-comfort of thisScripture might have hope.Nor do ifdoubt ,but that theProvidence ofGod(without which a Sparrow fads not to the groúnd)directedmy thoughtts to thin Eco%,as(not only profitable for all times,but)fpecially feafo- nable.far thefe times. Itis a word in feáfon, and therefore Jbould, as a word upon theWheels, make a fpeedypafiage into all our hearts : Andhow Ibould it not?while we remew- ber that these Wheels are oyI'd-with blood, even with the heart-blood of thoufands of our dearest friends and brethren. Ifand,that' this is not the farm time, that this Book bath beenundertaken by way ofExpofition,in fuch a time as this. Lavater,a faithfulMini,/ter of the Tigurine Church,opened thisScripture in preaching, and Printed it in the German tongue, which was afterwards published in Latine by Hart- mantis Sprunglius as himfelfexpreffes in the ritle)to i"up- port and refresh the afiCiedminds of thegody in that lad (as;
Anno )55z. To the Reader. (as he then fuppofed) and faddeft declining Age of the world. Ferus (a PopiíhFrier, but very devout according to the Devotionof that Religion) Preacher at Mentz, chofe this Scripture in the time of War and publick Calamity, (as the Titlealfa of his Book holds forth) to comfort his Citi- zens. In his fourth Sermon he makes this obfervable digref lion. You know(faithhe to his Hearers) that l began to expound this Hiftcryof job , to the end I might comfort and exhort you to patience in thefe troublefome times. This was and ismy Intendment , thismoved me tohandle and explain this Boo(. But now inmy veryEntranceupon it, the Storm groinsfo black,that Ifeeyou amazed, dejeét- ed, and almofi defperate : Some are flying, others are pre- paring to fly ; andin this great Calamity, noman is found . to comfort his Brother : Butevery one increafes his Neigh- bours fear, by his own fearfulnefs. Hepre fcribes (as far as their Principles will admit) Cordials for the revivingof their fpirits, and medicine for the cureofthefe diftempers. The whole Book of sob, is a facredShop, ftor'd with Plenty and Varietyofboth : that you may open your hearts to re- ceive andwith wifdom to apply the confolation and Infiru- ilions here t ender'd from thispart of it,is,(and through the ftrengthofChrift) fhall be, thede f re andprayer of Novemb. 8. i643. Your very loving' Friend and Servant for the help of your Faith yofeph Caryl.
` `` NM f, ON° w.Lt0 ,K.7HR;)GT+7,aG+7+^+ o+r!,7O:YrC./67fd4Y.CfgCJXdG7St;! tegft: iztR NMO T H E INTRODUCTION, Opening theNature, Parts,andScope of the whole Book of J 0 B. Twas the perfonal with and refoiution of the A- polle Paul, I had rather fpeak five words with i Cor.t4,zpd my underfianding , then ten thoufand words in an unknown tongue. And furely it is far better to fpeak or hear five words of Scripture with our underhandings, then ten thoufand words , yea then the wholeScriptures , while we underhand them not. Now, what an unknown tongue , about which the Apofle there difputeth, is, in reference unto all, the fame is the Scripture unto moll , even in their own tongue, that which they underhand not. For as an unknown tongue doth alwayes hide the meaning ofwords from us : fo do oft-times the fpiritu- alnefs, and myferioufüefs ofthe ¡natter. While a man fpeaks in a (range language we hear a found , but know not the words; and while a man fpeaks in our own language , though we know the words, yet, yet we may not underhand the meat ning; and then he that fpeaks is to us in that reference ( fo the Apdflc calls him) a Barbarian. While the leafes of the Book are opened and read to fuch or by fuch , the fenfe is Phut up and fealed. When the Apofile Philip heard the Ethiopian Eunuch read the . 3 A85 8iro Prophet Ifaiah as he travelled in his Chariot, he Paid tohim, VnderJtandeft thou what thou readeft ? The Eunuch anfwered, B How
2 The d NT.R0D V C T IO N. How fhould I, unlefs Tome man would guide me ? He underflood the language; but the meaningwas under a vail. The very fame may we fay to many1.who read the Scriptures , Underfland you what you read ; And theymay anfwer as the Eunuch did, How can we, except we have fomeman to guideus ? Yea, and alas, for all the guidingofman, theymay,anfwer, how can we, except.we have the Spirit ofGodtoguide us? He bath his Pulpit inHeaven who.teacheth heartr,the heart ofScripture. Paul (we know) was a learned Plíärifee, and much verlHn the Law, and yet he faith ofhimfelf before his Converfion, that he o89. 7 P. was without the Law : but when aria came to him, then the Commandment came to him. I was once alive without the Lam, but when the Commandment came, that is, whenChrift came, and his Spirit came in or after my Converfion, and expounded the Commandment to myheart, then the Commandment came,fc. to my heart in the powerofit,'and I underftood to purpofewhat the Law was. So that tie teachings of the Spirit, the teachings of God himfelf, are chiefly to be looked after and prayed for,- that wemay know the mind of the Spirit, the Will of God in Scrip- ture. . But he bath fet up this Ordinance,theOrdinance of Interpreta- tion to do it by ; both that the Scripturemight be translated out of the Original into the common language ofevery Na tion( which the ApofCie calls interpreting in thatplace before cited ) and alto ß'14r1'` that the Original fence ofthe Scripture might be translated into themind,and underiianding ofevert, .man 5 which is the work we airri at,andnow have in hand. Before I begin that , gite me leave to befeech you in the Name of Chrift, to take care forthe carrying on ofthis Work a degree further : I mean to translate the fence ofScripture into your lives, and to expound the Word ofGod by your works; Interpret, it ./ by your feet , and teach it byyourfingers, (as Solomon fpeaks to ?NV. b. 13. another fence,), that is, let your workings and your walkings be Scripture Explications. It is indeed a very great honour unto this City, that you take care for aCommentaryon the Scripture in writing ; but if you will be careful and diligent tomake a Com- mentary upon the Scripture by living , or to make your lives theCommentary of Scripture , this will make your City glorious indeed. It is she Apofics Tctlimony ofhis Corinthians , Ye (faith he) are a2f0t12,3e
The INT:R©DVC2?O are our Epifile, for as much as ye are manifeftly declared to be the Epiftlé of Chrtft , miniJtred by us, written not with Ink. but with the Spirit of the ïiviugGod, not in tables of ftone, but in flefhly tables of the heart. Give us we befeech you, the fame occafion ofglorying on your behalf, that we may fay, Youare orer Expofi- tion, for as much as you are manifefily declared in your prahife to be the Expofition ofthe mind of Chrift rniniftred untoyou by us. A walking, `a ,breathing Commentary goeth infinitely beyond the written or fpoken Commentary. And as the Apoíilemakes his conclufion (before noted) I had rather fpeak-five words with my underftanding, then ten thoufandwords in an unknown tongue: So I fay, I had rather know five words of Scripture by my own pratife and experience, then ten thoufand words ofScripture, yea then the whole Scripture ; by the bare Expofition ofanother. And therefore let the word of Chrift by thefe verbal EXplica- fions_, dwell richly in your underftandings in all wifdome : And by a prae`ical Application , let it be held forthplentifully in your lives in all holinefs. Add Commentary to Commentary,and Ex- pofition to Expofition: add the Comment of works to this Com ment ofwords, and an Expofition byyour lives to this Expoftion by our labours. Surely ifyou-do not, thefe Exercifes will be cotlly indeed, and will cometo a deep account againfi you before the Lord. Ifyou are lifted up to Heaven bythe opening of theScripture (which is either a;carrying ofyou up to Heaven, or a bringing ofHeaven down to you,) and thenwalk groveling upon the Earth ; how fore will the Judgement be ! But it is to me an argument and an evidence from Heaven , that God hath put it into your hearts to be more glorious in the pracficeofholinefs,becaufe he hath put it into your hearts todefire more the knowledg ofholinefs. To draw inmy fpeech nearer to the bufinefs. Having a Book full of very various matter before me, give me leave to premife fore things in the general, and fomething more particularly, by way of Preface concerning the Book, beforewe come to the hand- ling the Text. Ertl, For the general. That which,' God fpeaks concerning the whole work of Creation , we may fpeak concerning the whole Book ofScripture, It. is very good. Solomon obferves, that cant whérefeever the wifdome of Cod [rake , it fpal(e ofexcellent things. And David, to quicken our endeavors, and excite our diligence, Pcov.8.6.. '2 to
The INTRODVCT"IO.N: to the Rudyofthe Word, preferreth it in worth above thoufands of gold and filver , and in fweetnefr above the honey andthe honey comb. And whenhe ceafeth to compare, he beginneth to admire, Wonderful are thy.Teftimonier. And well may that be called Won- derful, which proceedeth from the God of Wonders. All Scrip - alira.3,16. tare is given by divine infpiration , or by infpiration from God ; and I_need not flay to thew you the excellency ofany part, when ç, have but pointed at fuck an Original of the whole. As therefore the whole Scripture, ( whether we refped} the majeoy of the Author,the height or purity ofthe matter,the depth or perfpicuityofthe fide , the dignity or variety of occurrences; whether we confider the Art ofcompiling , or the firength ofar- guing) difdains the very mention of comparifon with any other humane Author whatfoever : fo are comparifonsin it felt, as Book with Book,Chapter with Chapter, dangerous. There is not in this great volume ofholy. Counfel,anyone Book or Chap. Verfe orSe ¿ion, of greater power or authority then other. Mefes and Samu- el, the writings ofAmos the Shepheard,and ofIfaiah aDefcendant of the BIood Royal; the writings of the Prophets and Evangelios, the Epifties ofPaul, and this Hitlory ofjob, mutt be received (to ufe the words of the Trent Councel in the fifth Seffion, but to far better purpofe) Pari pietatisaffe he, with thefameholy reverence . andafefiion. They ufe it about Traditions, matching-Traditions with the Scriptures ; but we mayfully match all Scripture to- gether, and fay, all mull be receivedwith the fame devotion and, affection. Yet notwithflanding, as the partsofScripture were pennedby' divers Secretaries, publifhed indivers places, in divers ages,on di- vers occafions, for divers ends ; fo the argument and fubjea mat- ter , the method and manner of compofing.., the texture and the 11ileof writing are Iikewife different.Some parts ofScripture were delivered in Profe, others in Verfe or Numbers : fome parts ofthe Scripture. are Hillorical, (hewing what hathbeen done ; fome are Prophetical , ¡hewing what íhall be done , othersare Dogmatical or Doarinal , íhewing what we muff do, what we mull believe. Again,fomeparts of Scriptureare clear and eafìe, fome are obfcure and very knotty : Some parts of Scripture Phew what God made us ; .others( how fin fpoiled us: Axhird,hów Chrio reftored' us. Some partsofScripture fhew forth asof Mercy, to keep us from ... finking; ,others record as of Judgment, to keep us frompre- ° fuming,,
The I NTR0DvCTION fuming. And becaufe the way to Heaven is not firèwed with Rofes, but, like the Crownof Chrift here upon Earth , let with thorns ; becaufe not fmiles and loving imbracements from the world, but wounds,and firokes,and temptations,do await all thofe that have received the prefs-money ofthe Spirit, andare enrolled . for the Chriftian warfare : becaufe every true Ifraelite mutt ex- peGt that which Jacob upon his death-bed fpake of Jofeph , that the Archers willjhoot at bim, hate him, andgrieve him : In a word, Gen,49.a3: becaufe many are the troubles of the righteous ; therefore the Scripture doth prefent us with fundry platforms of the righteous vonflihing with many troubles. Now thefe Confiderations that are fcattered feverally' through thewhole Scripture, feem all concenter'd, and united together in this Book of Job : which if we confider in the flile and formof writing, is in fomepart of it Profe , as the two firft Chapters,and, part of the laft, and the rat is Verfe. Ifwe confider it in theman- ner ofdelivery, it is both darkand clear. Ifwe confider the fub- jeéï ma tter of it,it is both Hiftorical, Prophetical, and DoClrival.. In it is a mixture of mercy tendred unto, of judgments threatned againft, and inflicted upon the wicked. In it is a mixture of the greatefl outwardbleflings, and the greateít outward afflictions up on the godly, concluding in the greatef. deliverances ofthe godly from affliction. In this lait the Book is chief: there'was neverany . man under a, warmer Sun ofoutward profperity then,o? w .s neither was there ever any man in a hotter fire ofoutward at-Id-i- on then Job was,God kerning to give charge concerning this tryal ofJob, as King Nebuchadnezzar did concerning the three chil- dren, to have the furnace beat: d fevers times hotter then, ordinary,. This is the general concerning theBook. Nowmorepartirularly. I will not detain you inthat Proemial Difquifition about the Author and. Penman of this Book : there is great varietyof Judgment about it ; fome fay it was one ofthe Prophets, but they know not who : fame afcribe it to Solomon, fome to Elihu, not a few to Job himfelf ; but mofi give it to-Mo- (0) irti6rr' fes. That refolution ofBeza ill the point fhall ferve me, and may jcriptor f it fatisfieyou. (a) It is veryuncertain who was the Writer of this Ceetumefl, net Book(faith he)and what foe., er can. bePaid concerning it,is ground- ed but upon very_ light conjecture. And therefore , where the tur quicyutd et Scripture is filent, it can be ofno great ufe for us to fpeak, efpeci- eo diet potsji, . allyfeeing there is fo much fpoken as will find ùs work, and be Beza. of.
to 'The I N T E 0 D V . C T .10 N. ofufe,for us: neither need we trouble our felves (be affured that the Spirit of Go.d ,indited the Book) who it-was that held the Pen. Only take this, that it is conceived to be, the firft piece of Scripture that was written ; take it to be written by -Motes , and then it is molt probable that he writ it before the deliveranceof the people ofIfrael out ofEgypt. while he was in Midian. Neither will I. thy you in the - fecondplace about the inquiry in-_ to, or rather about the refutation of that fancy, that thiswhole Book is a Parable rather then a Hittory ; like that of 'Lozano in the Gofpel, not a thing really aGted;but only a reprefenration of tuts.,,.; &:6. it. Now this,which was the dream ofmany of the JewsandTal- mud is, and is fafened with no finall clamour upon Luther by theJefitites, may clearly be convinced both by the names ofpla- ces and perfons , which we (hail haveoccafion to open when we- come to the Book it fell, and alto by thofe allegations ofthe Pro- phets and of the Apofiles concerningYob ; the Prophet Ezekiel quoting him with Noah andDaniel, twomen that unqueftionably wereextant, and acedglorious ,parts in the world, and therefore { eek14 14. yob alto. All that I will fay in .particular, !hall be in thefe three things. a. To {hew you more diitindtly the fubjea ofthis Book. 2. The parts and divifion ofit 3. The ufe or (cope and intendment of it. a. For the fubjed ofthisBook , we may confider it either as principal, oras collateral. The main and principal fubjec`l of this Book is contained, and I may give it you, in one verfe of the 34 Pfalm. Many are theaffli- our ofthe righteous,but the Lorddelivereth himout ofall. p, Concerning the fubjed, there are twogreat Queflions handled and difputed fully and clearlyin this Book. The firft is this: Whe- ther it cloth confift with the Juftice andgoodnefs of God to afflift a righteousand fincereperron, to!grip him naked, to take away all his outwardcomforts. Or, Whether it Both confift with the Juftice and goodnefs of God, that itfhouldgo ill with thofe that are.good,andthat _itfbonldgo wellwith thofe that are evil. This is one great debate, the main Queftion thoroughout theBook. And then fecondly,here is another great difpute in reference to theformer;namely,llPbether we may judgofthe righteoufnets or unrighteottfnef;r,ofthefincerity or fypocrzfte of any perfon, by the outwarddealings andprefeat difpenfa- lions of God towards him. That is afecond Quettionheredebated. The, á'a1m.34 ,i
The.I NT KO PVCTION. The friends ofjob maintained the fir(i gueflion negatively, the latter affirmatively. They denyed that God in Juftice could afflift a righteous and a holy man. They affirmed, that any man fo affli ted. is unrighteous, and may fo be judged, becaufe aflited. And fo the whole argument and difpute, which the friends of Job brought, may be reduced to this one Syllogifm. He that is afi'iílled, andgreatly affliCiied,is certainly a great open finner,or a notorious 1}po Brice: But Job,thou art afiiCied,and thou artgreatly afflifed;Therefore certainly thou art, ifnot a great open fanner, yet a notorious hypocrite./ job as conftantly and as vehemently maintaineth both thole quettions in the contraryfence. He acknowledged himfelftobe a finner,yet he fliffly denyed that he was an hypocrite ;he difclaimed his own rightebufnefs in point of Juilifcation,yet hejuftified him- Ielf in point ofuprightnefs. And as for the finfulnefs ofhis ravine`, and ofhis life, he was willing (except known or wilfirl(in finceri- ty);to ownboth,'and chargehimfèlf fatter thenhis friends could., - appealing to,atad triumphing in free-Grace, for full pardon. This one Syllogifm, I fay,is the fum ofall the Difpute,between jòbandhis three friends; this is,as it wçrc, the hinge upon which the whole matter turned. But betides theCe, there are many difcourles falling in collateral 4y, which concur to make up the- fubjed-ofthis Book : Tor, as it is with thole that fludy thePhilofophers 'tone , the great thing they aimat, is tomake gold, &c. that's the principal, the chiefend: yet collaterally they find out many excellent things , many profitable . experiments have been made , many rare (cerets have been difco vered in profecuting ofthat great defign. So although this be Cie principal fubjeft of the Book, yet collaterally for the carryingön of thefè difputes,many other rare and excellent, heavenly, fpiritu- al and ufeful Truths are handled and difcovered. As to give_you fotneparticular Inftances. Firn,- We have the Charaeler ofa difcreet and faithful Matice and Father ina Family,and the fpecial Duties which concern thole relations ; the Doftrine; of the Oeconomicks is often touched in this Book. Secondly, We have here the Character of a faithful,zealous,and junMagifirate in the Common-wealth , howhe ought to behave himfelf,and what his duty is, fct down'alfo plainly and clearly by occafon ofthis difpu_te, Thirdly, 7
The ,INTR 0D71 CTIDN. Thirdly; We have a great difcovery made in the fecrets ofna- ture. The bowels of nature are as it were rips open,and the great works of Creation are here dilplayed. In this you have difcourfes Ofthe Heavens,ofthe.Earth,ofthe Sun,Moon,andStars: of thofe Meteors,the Hail, the Snow, the Froft,theIce, the Lightning and the Thunder. In this you have difcourfes of Jewels, ofMinerals, and of Metals; In this of Beafts and Birds,and creeping things. So that by occafion ofthis difpute, a difcourfe is carried about all the world, in the whole circuit of natural knowledg of Philofophy. Fourthly, Here are difcourfes ofCh-riftian Morals,of the duties of equity from man toman : Of the duties ofpiety which man oweth to God, ofthe duties of fobriety and temperance towards a mans own felt. Yea, here we find the great duty of Faith , the matter ofbelieving in the Redeemer of the world, our LordJefus Chrift. Laf#ly, Here are many difcoveries made ofGod, in Himfelf and his Attributes : In his Power, Wifdome, Juftice, Goodnefs, and Faithfulnefs, yea, whatfoever may be known of God in any of thofe, is Cornway or other here difcovered. So then , all being fummed up together,it may well bePaid concerning this Book,that it is sane- .7ravápile-, a Book containing all excellencies, ofwifdom and holinefs: and what (as fome ofthe Jewes and Rabbinsfay of it) in otherbooks is here a little and there a little, is all plentifully gathered together in this. In a word, it is a Summary, a Compen- dium ofall knowledge,both Humane andDivine,both concerning our (elves, and concerning God. So much ofthe fubjec`f ofthis Book, both Principal and Collateral. The fecond general to be confìdered is the divifion of this Book. We may confider it in reference to the divifron; Find, as itis a Dialogue ( for fo force call the whole Book) which is an interchangeable difcourfe concerning any fubjet or matter what- foever. And taking it in that notion, we may divide it by the Collocutors or Speakers and by the feveral fpeeches which they made. The Collocutors or Speaers in this Book, are Eight. I. God. 5. Eliphaz. 2. Satan. 6. Bildad. Jobs three friends. 3. Job. 7. Zophar. 4. Jobs Wife. 8. Elihu ; who cometh in as a Moderator of that difpute. Their
The IN7RODZ/C2ION, 9 Their fpeeches, which they make, are, in the whole compafs of the-Book, thirty two Diftintions. There are twoDialogues between God.andSatan.One between job and hiswifc.Threc betweenjob and Eliphaz. Three between job and _Bildad. Two between Job and Zophar. Two between God and Job. And then we have Elihu making four dillind fpeechesor Orations, which have no Anfwer. And laflly, two feveral Speeches or. Parables (as they are calledfof Job, one in Chap.'27. I. and theother in.Chap. 29. r. So .that, Ihm up all thefe together, and you may divide the whole Book into thirty two dif in& or feveralSpeeches, either by wayof Polition,or An- fwer, or Reply, or determination. God fpeaks four times, Saran twice, Jobs wife once, Job thirteen times, Eliphaz thrice, Bildad thrice, Zophar twice, Elihu four times. Or ifwe fhould confider as a Difputation, (which is higher then a Dialogue) fo you may diflinguifh it, by the Oppo- nents, by the Refpondent, and by theModerators. The Opponents are three, Jobs three friends. Job hitnfelfis Refpondent. The Moderatorsare, Eirfi, Elihu, he cometh in firftas an Vmpire between them. Secondly, Godhimfelfat laft, out of the whirlewind, giveth the deed-five determinative voyce and fentence.He dates thequefii- on fully for Jobb, and reproveth Jobs friendsas not having difputed and argued aright concerning him. Yet further : we may divide the Book into five Sedions; whereof The firfi doth fet forth the happinefs and fulnefs of Jobsout-: wardefiate; and the integrity and perfection ofhisJpiritataleftate. And that iscontained in the firfl: 5 verfes The fecond prefents Jobs of fliWon, jobs fall,-the great and fore calamity which in a moment did overtake him,twith the oeca- fion of it. And this you have fer forth from that 5 . verfe exclufive- lyto the ,9 verfe ofthe fecond Chapter. Thirdly,Wehave the quedions,thedebates and difputes which did arife upon andabout the fall of Job into that fad condition : which arc contained from that 9 vole of the fecond Chapter, tò theend of the 3x Chapter. Fourthly, We have the Moderation or Determination of this difpute andof this argument,fird by Elihu,and then by Godhim- felf,from the beginningofthe 32 Chapter. to the 7 verle of the 42. C t1.í1
ro The'INTRODVCTIO.N'. All which is but as a Determination or Elating ofthe Queflion. Fifthly,and latily ; we have the reftitution offob, his refloring and fetting up-again, and the reparing ofhis Eftate, and making ofit double to what formerly it had been. And that is begun and . continued from the 7 Verfe of the 42 Chapter, to the, end of the 'Book. So here you have a five-fold divifionof the Book./ Once more : we may divide the . Book into three parts. And fo it lets forth, a. Yob's happy condition,both in regard of externals,and inter,. nais, in.the firft 5 verfs. 2. job's fall, job's calamity, job's trouble,fromthat to the 7 verf ë of the4.2 Chapter. 3. yobs reflitution or reftoring, from thence to the end. Take the Book in this diviuon,and it feems tohold forth to us fuch a reprefentationof job,as is given us in the three firft Chap- ters ofGene is concerning Man. In thofe'three first Chapters, we have Man fet forth. r.. In the excellency and dignity of liis Creation,beingLórd and Soveraign of all,adorn'dwith that integrityand purity of Nature which God hath planted in,and ftamped uponhim at his creation. And in the beginning of thisBook, we have job likea man in in- nocency,fhining in all his dignity,compas'd about with ble(lings of all forts, bleflïngs of the Body, bleflïngs ofthe Soul, ble(íings of this life, andofthat which is come. 2. There we find the Devil plotting the ruine of man, and we find his plot taking for a while, and in a great meafure prevailing. So here in this Book we have the Devil begging job's ruine, and having obtain&d leave, fo far as concern'd his outward eflate and body, quicklyputs it in execution. 3. There wehave Adam by ,Gods free mercy and promife re- flored to a better etlate in Chrift through the grace ofredemption,. then he had before in himfelf, by the goodnefs of Creation. 'S here we have job, through the mercy, power, and faithfulnefs of God,reftored to all he had,and more;we fee him repaired and fet aap again after his breaking,not-only with a new ftroakbut a great er.: his eftate being doubled, and his very loffes proving beneficial to him. This may fiiffice for the divifion or parts of the Book, which I conceive, may flied fome light into the whole. Now for the third thing which I propofed, which was the\ufe, or,fèope,or intendment of this Book.For that is a fpecial thing we are
The I N TR O D V C T I O N are tó carry before us in our eye in the reading of Scripture. It is pof able for one to underftand the fubjeer, and to know the parts, and yet not to be attentive to find out, or di[iindly to find out what themind of God is, or whereat he fpeciaily drives and aim_, eth. Therefore it will be very profitable to us likewifc to confider what the tendency and intendment,or (a I may fo (peak) the ufes of this Book are. Firft, It ayms at our Infirudion, and that in divers things. Firft,(Whichmuch concernes every Chriftian to learn, ) it in- firudeth us how to handle a croft How to behave our felves when we are in a confliot,whether outward or inward : What the Failures ofthe Spiritual War are ; and with what patience we ought to bear the handofGad. and his dealings with us. This,'! fay,is let forth by the Scripture inother places to be the main,and one ofthe principal ends, or intendments, or ufes of this Book. This theApofile lames fpeaks of. Tau have heard of the patience ofJob. As ifhe lhould fay, Do younot know why the Book of yob was.written ? Why God in his Providence did bring fuch a James: z9> thing to gafs concerning Job ? It was that all men fhould take no- tice ofhis patience, andmight learn the zvifdom offuffering, that noble art ofenduring.' yob Was full ofmanyother excellent graces ; and indeed hehad all the graces of the fpirit of God inhim. But the Patience ofJob was the principal grace.As it is with natural men,they have every fin in them, btìt there are fome fins w °.ich are the Materfins, or - fome one fin it may be doth denominatea wicked man; fometimes he is a proud man fometimes he is covetous, fometimes he is a de- ceiver,fometimeshe is anoppreffor,fometitncs he is uncleap,fome- times he hath a profane fpirit, and fo the like; fome one great rnafter-luft doth give the denomination to the "man, he hath all otherfins in him, and they are all reigning in him, but one as it were reigneth above the refs, and fits uppermoft in his heart. So it is with the Saints of God (and here with yob)every Saint and fervant ofGod hath all grace in him, every grace in fome degree orother, for all the limbs and lineaments of the new man" are formed together inthe foul of thofe twat are in Chrift. But there is fome fpecial grace which doth give(as it were)thedenominate. on to a fervant of God : .As that which gave the denomination to Abrahamwas Faith,and that whichgave the denomination to. Mofes was nteeknefs; and fo this which giveth the denominatim 'C2 tO
12 The IN,T.RODtiCTI.0N. lt,zom,.fg, 4. to Job , is Patience.; and fo the denomination too ofthis whole Hillory ; as if that were the great leffon that were to be taken out, the teffon offuflerir g, and of patience : So that what the Apofile makes to be the Ufe ofall Scripture, Whatfoever things (faith he) were written afore- time., were writtenfar our, learning, that we through:_patiertce and comfort ofthe Scriptures might have hope. That, I fay, which the Apofile theremakes tobe the end and fcope of the whole Scripture, doth . feem to be infpecial the principaland chief end of writing this Bookof job 2. Another Infirudion , which we are to takefrom the whole Book, is this. God would have us learn , that afielioes come not by chance , that they are all ordered byprovidence ; in the matter, in the, manner, and the meafure, both for thekinds, and forthe degrees, they-are all ordered, even the very leaft, by the wifdom, by the hand and providence ofGod. 3. Another thing , which we are to learn generally fromthis Book, is this, The Soveraignty ofGod; that he hath power over us, over our eflates,and over our bodies,and over our families, and over our fpirits ; that he may of us as hepleafeth , andwe muff be quiet under his hand: when he cometh,and will take all from us, allour comforts, we muff give all glory tohim. ThisBook is writ- ten for this efpecially, to teach us the SoveraigntyofGod, and the febmiffion ofthe Creature,,, q., It teacheth us, That God loth fometimes agitl his children out ofprerogative that though there be no fn in them, which he makes the occafion of afflicting them, (fuch'was Jobs cale,) yet for exercif: of his graces in them, for trial oftheir graces, orto fit them up forpatterns to the world, God may and Both affliEt them. Though no man be without fin, yet theafiUions. of many are not fc'theirfns,._ 5. There is this general.InftruCion which God would haveus learn out of this Book, namely, That' the beg begotten, and the beff founded effatein outward things, is uncertain ; that there is no trufling to anycreature-comforts. God would:unbottom us quite from the creature, byholding forth this Hidtory ofjobunto us. 6. God would alto Phew forth this for ourlearning, viz The .ítrength, theunmovablenefs ofFaith , how unconquerable it is, what a kind ofOrrmnipotency there is in grace. God wouldhave all the world take notice of this in the Book of,job, that agodly per- foil is in vain affàulted by friends or enemies, by men or devils, by want
ThéINTROZ77JG:T ION. wants or wounds : Though he be even benighted in his fpirit, though God himfelftake away the light of his countenance from him, yet God would have us learn and know, that over all thefe a true believer is more then a conquerour. For here is one of the greateft battels fought, that ever was between man and man, be- tween man and Hell, yea between God and man : yet Job went away with the victory. True Grace is oftenaffaulted, it never was or ever 'hall beoverthrown. 7. This alto we may learn : That God never leaves or forfakes his totally or finally. S. Laflly, The Book teacheth this general leffon : That the Judgments ofGodare oftentimesveryfecret , but they are never un juft. That though the Creature be not able to give a Reafon of them, yet there is infinite Reafon for them. Thefe are the general fifes from the general (cope and intend- ment of this Book by way of Inffrudtion. . Secondly, This Book ferves to convince and reprove that flan - *der ofworldly men andofSatan : who fay,that the peopleof God ferve him for their own ends, that theyfollow him for loaves, that they attend upon him eflate, for creature-comforts and con- cernments, The Lord did on purpofe caufe thefe things to be aced, and this Hillary to bepenned , for ever to flop the mouth of Satanand of all iniquity, and to thew that his people follow himfor love,for the excellency they find in him,and in his fèrvice.Though he flip them naked ofall they have,yet they will cleave to him. Here is one Confutation._ z, It is to convince and reprove all thofe,who judge of the fp= ritual efiate ofthole that are under the hand of God in fore afflicti- ons by fame unbecoming and rafh fpeeches, which may fall from them in the time ofthole .their confli6s , when troubles and fuf- £erings are upon them. 3. To convince and confute thofe. who judge ofrtens fpiritual eftates by Gods dealing with them in their outward eftates. 4. To convince and confute that curled Opinion, That a man may fall finally and totally away from grace,and from the favorof God. God hath (hewed by this Hillary, that filch an Opinion is a lye. If ever anyman were in danger of falling quite away from grace received , or might feem to have loft the favour of God,for- rrierly {hewed , furely it was job : and if he were upheld in the grace ofholinefs,and continued in thegrace ofGods love,notwith- ffandin ,.3
Thë I NTR O D Yl C T I O N; ftanding all,that came upon him.Certaii 1y God would have all the World know, - that freegrace will uphold his for ever. 5. To convince all thofè of pride and extrearn prefumption, who think to findout and to trace the fecrets of Gods counfel, the fecrets of Gods eternal. Decrees, the fecrets of all his Works of Providence : Whereas God (heweth them in this Book,that they are not able to findout, or comprehend his ordinary works, thofè which we call the works of Nature, thethings of Creation , the things that are before them,which they convene with every day, which they fee, and feel, and have in theirordinary ufe. They are not able to find out the fecrets of the air, of the Meteors, of the Waters, ofthe Earth, ofBeafts or Birds ; everyone of thefe puts the underftandingofman to a ftand,and pofe his reafon ; theyare . not able to comprehend the works ofCreation,howare they able then to find out theCounlelsofGod in his Decrees and Purpofes and Judgments?And for that end it is that God lets forth here fo much ofthe works of Nature, that all men may be ftopp'd in,that prefunaptuous wayoffearching too far into his counfels, Here is another ufe or fcope ofthis Book. Thirdly, there is much for Confolation. a. That all things do work for the good of thole that love God. 2. Confolation is this ; that no temptation (hall ever take hold . of usa but fuch as God will either makeus able to bear, or make a way to efcape out o; it. We can beiin nocondition call fo low, but the hand of God can reachus, "land us out, fend indeliverance, and raife us up a- ;.gain. Lafily, here are two general Exhortations. I. We are exhorted to the Meditation and admiration of the Power and Wifdome ofGod from all the creatures. This is a duty which this Book leads us unto, for that is the end why fo much is fpoken concerning the works ofcrèation,that(as the Apoftle faith) 7be invifible things of him from the Creation of' the World, may em. 1. O. be clearlyPeen, being uzderffoodbythe things thatare made,-even his enteral Power andGodhead. 2.To glorifie God in every condition, to have good thoughts of God, to fpeak good words for God in 'every condition. We are drawn to this, by confidering how lob (though fometimes in VC- hemency of fpirit he over-(hot himfelf, yet he recovers again, and)
The I 111 T It 0 13à 7> G Ì IÓ N: and)breathes fweetly concerning God,fhewing that his fpirit was full offweetnefs towards God,even while God was writing bitter things againil him ; as when he faith,Though he (till me yet will I truft inhim ; then which, what could exprefs a more holy and fubmifiive frame of heart, in reference to the dealings ofGod with him? Surely he thought God was very good to him, who had that good thought of God, To truff him, even -while he flew him. Thefe things being propofed concerning the Book in general, will help to caff a light through the whole at one view. And though at this time 1 fhall not enter upon expounding of the Text it felf,yet you have had infome fence, the expofition of the whole Text, ifyou carefully lay up thefe Rules, they will much advan- tage and advance your profit, whenwe come to the explication of anypart. T H
Chap. r. Vert: A N E XP OS I T I ON- wtTH I'radical Obfervations Upon the F'irfl , Second, and Third Chapters of the Pook of J ® B. JOB, Chap. T. Verf. a, 2. There was a man in the landofVra, whofe name was Job, and that man was perfect and upright, and one th' fearedGod, andefchewed evil. And there were born unto himfevenfont and three ¿gush- terr,&e. His Chapter may be divided into three parts; whereof the fire contains a defcription ofJO in his profperous eftate, from the firft to the end of the fifth verfe. In the fecond we have the firft part ofJobs afiáion let down from the fixth vede to the.enc% ofthe nineteenth. in the third, Yobs carriage and behavour in, or his Conqueff and Vicoryover that firft trial, are difcovered ; this concludes in the three Taft verfes of the Chapter. Thedefcription ofhis profperous eftate is given us ïn three points. Fir ;That he was in perfon, Verf. I. Secondly, What in his poffeflions ; we have an Inventory of his goods, 2,3,4. Thirdly, What in his prahice of holinefs, Verf. 5. where one example or inftance is fet down forall the relf. The Book begins with the defcriptionof his perfon in the firft verfe : where job is defcribed by that which is accidental, and by . that which is effential. Éq
11 Chap. I. An Expofition upon the Book of j O B. Verc. I° By accidentals, fo he is defcribed by the place where he dwelt There was a man in the land of t}z. 2. By his name, whofe name was Job. The eifentials are four qualifications, which were effential to him, not as a rational man, but as a holy man. And that man was t. Perfell. 2. Vpright. 3. One thatfearedGod. 4. E fchewedevil. As they who write the Acts or Stories of great men,ufually give us fome defcription of their perfons before they letdown theirun- dertakingsor atchievemerits(as you fee in the t Sam. 17.4,5,6,7. how the great Gyant Goliah is defcribed) fo here the Holy Ghoft by the Pen-manofthis Book,being to record a glorious combate, a combatenot withBeth and blood alone, but with principalities and Powers, a wrefiling with mighty and thong temptations ;. fitft gives us (if we may fo fpeak) the Profopography of this divine Hero's fóul, the lineaments and abilities of his fpirit. This was the height, and this the flature of the Combitant, fuch were his limbs, and fuch his Weapons, there he dwelt, and this was,his name. There was a man in the landof Uz, whofenamewas Job. There was That refers us either to the truth ofthe Story, or to the time ofthe Story. Such a man there was , that's certain. Such aman therewas, but the time when is uncertain. It re- fers us to the time only indefinitely. There was fuch a man, but when, is not exactly andprecifely let down. The Scripture (we know) doth often keep an exact, account of years ( the Scripture is the guide and key of all Chronology) and fometimes it leaves things in general for the time,and onlyfaith thus much, . fuch a thing was,or fuch a perfon was.. So here. Yet force have undertaken to define (what the Spirit ofGod hath left at large) R,,.223ó from theprecife time wherein Job lived ; and tell us in what year of the Creation; the world thefe things were done. But I detiire not to be fo accu- 574years al- rate unlels the rule were fo too. Only thus much we may fafely ter the flood; fa ,that job lived between the times of Abraham and Mofes, 2$2.years afy - ter .Abraham. and nearer 1Llnfes then Abraham; and for that I conceive there is Bgtdgc. intoc. grouted fuffrcient. There are thefe two Ipecial Reafons, why it thould;
9erf. t. 11n Expofition upon the Book of J 043. 'Chap, a, {build be circutnfcribcd within that limit. . Becaufè job offered Sacrificeat that time in his ownCoun- try: which after the givingofthe Law,and fittingup ofa publick worthip, was forbidden all, both Jews and Profelites. They that were acquaintedwith the ways of God,kaew they mutà not wor- íhip by Sacrifice any where, but before the Tabernacle , or (after the Temple was built) at the Temple. 2.Becaufe in the whole book there is not the leaíl.pri nt,or the leaft mentionofany thing whichdid concern thofe great and glo- rious pafíages ofGods providence towards the people oflfrael,ei- ther in their goingout of Egypt,or in their journey thorough the wildernefs toCanaan. Now in a difpute of this nature (fuchas was between Job and his friends) there would have been frequent occafion to have confidered and inflanced fome of thofe things. There is fcarce any book in Scripture, that bears date after that great and wonderful difpenfation ofGod,butit makes mention of or referrs toCome palfages concerning them. Again for the time, that which Come colleft to clear it, is from the Genealogie ofJob, there are three fpecial opinions concerning the line ofhis pedigree. One that he defcencled from Nahor, whowas brother to Abra- ham, Gen. 22.21. It was told Abraham, beholdMilcah, Jhe bath born children to thy brother Nahor, Uz his firji born, and Buz his brother, &c. This Vz whowas the firtl born ofNabor;Abra- bams brother is conceived to havegiven denomination to the land of Vz,and fo from him Job to be defcended. Anotheropinionthere is (maint aired. bymany) that job was ofthe lime of Efau,and that he was called Jobab by Moles, Gen. 36.33. And Bela died, and Jobab the foie of Zerah of Bozrah reigned in bitJtead. This Jobab, who wasa elefcendant or one of theDukes ofthe line ofEfau, they f.y was Job. But why the name Jobab thould be,contraded into job, I fee little reafon of- fered. A third opinion for his defceiit, is,that he came from the chil- dren ofAbraham byhisfeeond wife Keturah, Gen. 25. where it is faid, that-Abraham by her had divers fons,and that he gave them portions,and lent them-Eaffmardinto the Eafï country ; and from Midian(who was -thefourth fon of Abrahamby that fecond mar- riage) out Genealogers-dQ pofitivedy and direr ly afti m that yob waydefsended. líà 2 That
20 Chap. I. lstït Expof tiont rzpon the Boob, of J:O B. Vcrf. r. That may fufice for the time, for bringing of himwithin a narrower limit, I have nogrounds but conjeEtural. Aman.] He is not called A man (here) barely as the PhnI>- òphers Animal rationale, &c. as ,man is oppofed to a Beall : Not barely is he called á man toditlinguifh his Sex, as a Man is oppofed to a Woman. But there is fòmewhat more in the expref- lion, he is called Aman by way ofexcellency. And for the clear= ing and openingof that, we may confider that there are three words in Scripture original by which Man is expreft. a .Man is called Adam. That was the proper name of =the firfi man, auditbecame the common name for all men fine. So Man was called from the matter of which he was made, Adam, from Adamab, becaufe (as the reafon is given, Gen. z. 7.) God. made man duft.out of the earth, or (as we tranllate j of the duff of the earth.. 2. Man is called Enofh : So he is called in :regard of the infir- mities, weakneflès and forrows, which_ I e hash contracted: by fin, fince the fall ; fin made thered earth weak and brittle earth indeed, earth inoyfiened with tears, and mixt.with troubles. 3. He is called tfh, which the Criticks in that language , fay, comes from and hath allyance with two words One fignifying Being or exifte'nce, and.the other heat or fire..- So that the excel- lency ofmans being, the heat, courage and fpirit that flames in him, is fit forth in that word ; and that's the wordhere in the Text ; There was a man, it is Ifh, an excellent,a worthy man, a. man ofan excellent fpirit, aman of men, a man fitted to honour God, and govern men.; And that it is fo ufed in Scripture, I will give you an infiance or, two,thatyou may fee it is not a bare conje }ure. In the 49. Pfalme, David, as it were, fammons and divides mankind. In the firfi vcrfe he fummons, Hear this all ye people, give,Inhab tarts of the. world. In the fecond verfe he divides, Both, lowand high, rich and poor together. The word; in the Hebrew for high, is Bene-.Jh, 'Ions of ;Ifh, : and the word for low, is. Bede-Adam, fons of Adam :; .If we fhould . tranflate theText direaly,according to the.letter, the words muff run, f n:, , of men, and fon: of men ; for, . fons of Adam and fons of Ifh,4re both tranflated fons ofmen. Yet ;.when they:are''fc.t ,to- getherinawayofopp©fition,the one fìgn%i cth,loav,;and theother 1)02. ; and fo our Translators render it according to the; fen(e,not ions'.
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