Chap. I. A 2 Exp,;ition utn2'the B to';, if [0 3. Vrri: 7. patetick, but by going to fro in the earth is noted,- Fiat, The exact difcovery which Satan makes .ofall things in the earth. For the word [Shnt] fìgnifieth to enquire , to fearch diligently into a thing. It is.not a baregoing about,but it is a go- ing about as a fpie, to fearch, to enquire, to obferve and confiderpropri? ej, i- diligently all things as one paflteth along. The fame word is ufed tettredrfcur_ (Dan. I 2. 4.) for difcourring, we tranflate it thus, Many ,/hall run rer?, cir,un_ to andfro, andknowledge Jhall he increafed now, we may won er der how knowledge fhould be increafed by running to and fro, up P:cr:re. and down : they that would increafe knowledge, fhould rather fit ftill and confider, and debate things ; but the word (fo fome tranlláte it) fignifies to dilcoveror difpute of things, they fhall difcourfe or go about to enquire into things, and knowledge (hall be increafed. Thus Satans going to andfro in the earth, is a dif- courfing upon every thing, adifputing upon everypoint and per- fon : he Both as it were debate every mans condition as he goeth, and every mans ethic, every mans temper, and every mans call- ing : he confiders what is fittefl tobe done againft him, and how he may affault him with greatefl< advantage. That is the running or going toand fro which is here meant in the Text, it is a going to and fro to iti`creafe his knowledge, and inform himfelf of all things as he goeth. The fame word is ufed concerning the good Angels, Zech.i. a o. It is Paid there, that they were lent to wal!¿,to andfro' through the earth ; it was not a bare palling through the earth, but a curious obferving and prying into all things as they went : we translate it a walking to and fro, but it is a walkingfo, as tobring God in intelligence ; for thefe were Pent out as Chrifls intelligencers,to bringhim ina report ofthe Bateofthings abroad, for fo there in the vifion it is expreft after the manner ofinen ; though Chrift needs none to inform him about the eftate of his Church and people, yet he alludes to the cuftome of Princes, who maintain Intelligencers in all Courts and Kingdomes, to advife themhow the affairs'ofother Nationsare tranfathd. The very facie Original word is ufed ofGod himfelf, (Lech. 44. ío.) The eyes of the Lord run to and fro through the whole earth ; he is hisown Intelligencer, exactly difcoveringand taking notice of every thing that is done in the world.So then this is the meaning, I have been goi;ig toandfro in the earth, faith Satan, that is, I have fully and throughly taken notice ofall paffages,ofall perlons in all places, of all conditions and fortsofmen ; that is the thin' N z have