Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. I. An Expofition upon the Booko fJ O B. VerC 8. 93 'Peter expref eth it, 2 Pet. 5. S. He goeth about as a roaring Lyon, feekjng whom he may devour. There is his diligence, and there is his intent.Satarì fpeaks nothing ofhis intent here,he conceals that, he fpeaks only as if he went about like a pilgrim walking through the earth, his main bufinefs, that he went about ; to devour fouls is kept in filence ; but the holy Ghoft unmasks him,and difcovers the defìgn ofhis walking to and fro, Hefeels whom he may devour. If Satan be thus diligent going about to tempt, weought to be as diligent, funding alwayes upon our watch, to prevent his temp- tations. Mr. Latimer in one ofhis Sermons, where he taxes the Clergy,efpecially the Bitliops of thofe times for their idlenefs,pro- pofeth to them the example of the Prophets, and A poftles, and of Chrifl himfelf, their diligence in' going about to preach fliould quicken thofe idlers: but(fàith he)if you will not follow their ex- ample, follow the example of Satan, he goethabout in his Diocefs to and fro continually. Take example from him in doing evil, how to do good : we may take example thus far from Satan,to be as forward todo good,as he is to do hurt,tobe as watchful againft him as he is watchful againft us.If this be his bufinefs to go to and fro through the earth, and his intent be to devour fouls, then where -ever we go in the world upand down,we ought to be care- ful to keep out our own fouls, and gain the fouls of others. Thirdly, We may obferve from it,that Satan is confined in his bufinefs to the earth,he can get no further then the earth,or to the ayreal part; he is called the Prince ofthe ayr. Satan beingonce call out ofHeaven cannever get intoHeaven more. There is no tempter in Heaven,there is no Serpent_fhall ever come into the ce- leftialParadife ; there was,onein the earthly Paradife, but there (hall never be`any in the celeftial. Therefore whenwe are once be- 'yond the earth, we are beyold the reach of all temptations , we are then at ref( fromSatans fnares andprat ices, as well as from our own labours. Let us now confider what the Lord replieth, or his fecond que- flion to Satan. Well, thou haft been walking to and fro in the earth, faith God, Haft thou confideredmy fervant job ? Tell me, haft thou taken notice of fuch an one ? .Haft thou confidered? The flüLi i word is, Haft thouput thy heart upon Job ? So it is word for, N" word in the Original, haft thou laid fob to thy heart ? Haft thou e9 oïr ferioufly, fully, and exaef iy confidered my fervant fob ? And fo it 7û aat is rendred out of the Septuagint, thou attended with thy 1Wß,. 7 3 minst.