94 Chap. t. Eín Expofition upon the Book of J O B. VerC . mind upon myfervant Job ? To put a thingupon the heart, is to'' have ferious and fpecial regard to it;as when the Scripture (-peaks of not putting a thing upon tilt heart, it noteth a ílighting and negle6fingofit. When the wife of Phineas was delivered; -and t Sans. 4. so, they told her that the had brought forth a fon, the Text faith,fhe anfwered not, neither did the regard ; the Hebrew is, neithe did file tut her heart upon it:The fame word is here in the Text. Thus Abigal fpeaks unto David, As for this fon of B lial. let not my 'Sam. 25. s5, Lord put his heart upon him, or (as it yis tranllated) let tarot my Lordregardthir man of Belial, take no notice of filch a one as hé is, he is a fool, name and thing, do not regard him, do not pat him upon thy heart. There are divers fach expreílions where put- ing upon the heart is expreffed by r egarding,andnot putting upon the heart, by not regarding. Then here, hall thou put Job upon thy heart ?that is,hait thou ferioufly weighed and confidered Job? As ifGod had laid, I am_titre in thy travels and wandrifegs about the world, thou couldit not chufe .but take notice ofJob, he is my _jewel, mydarling, a fpecial man among all the fans ofmen : He is filch a fpafacie as may juftly draw all eyes and hearts after him : when thou walkedit, dielft thou not make aftandat Job'sdoor? pfal. 34. 15.1 cannot but look upon him my felfand confider him, therefore furely thou haft cbnfidered him. The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous,andhis heart upon them too. A wicked man bath not the eye ofGod, agodly man bath his heart, and(hall have it to all eternity. The fut is, This queftion teacheth us, That amongft all the men that dwelt on theface of the earth, Job was the molt confiderable. Haft thounot confideredmyfervant Job ? It is as ifone fhould fay to a man come from this City into the, Country, wereyou at Court, or have you teen the King ? becaufe he is the moft eminent and confiderable perfon. So God here fpeaks toSatan upon his account of walking about the earth, haft thou taken notice ofjob ? A godly man is the -moft confiderable man in the world. But then you mug.- put your heart upon him, not your eye only, for then, as it was Paid of Chrift, (Ifa. 5 you may perhaps fee no beauty in him : H s infide is the mòíß confiderable thing in the world. As a wicked -man is themolt urn confiderable,not worthy the looking unto, though he be never fo a King 3, t4. great, as Elifha Paid to the King of lfrael, Surely as the Lord of hops