Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. i. An Expofition upon the Booho fJ O B. Verf. 8. 95 hofts liveth, before whom I fi-and, were it net that I regard the pretence of Jehofaphat King of Judah , I would not look to- ward thee norfee thee : thou art not a man faithhe, that deferveth fo much as to be looked upon; AgodIy man is therefore defcribed pfl rg.4. to be one , in whofe ¿yes a: vile perfon, a wicked man is defpi- fed. But fecondly, in reference to Satan. Some read there words not by way ofqueftion,but by way ofaíEirmation,thus ; thouhalt confidered my fervant fob. Thouhall been abroad in the world, furely then thou haft taken notice of my fervant job, thou halt confidered him that is, of all men in the world, thou haft fat thy fellabout 766 to tempt him and to try hint : when thou carnet to fob's houfe,there thou madeft an affault, there thou try edit the uttermoft ofthy firength to overcome him;thouconfider - edfl him,what todo agate ft hitn,how to overthrow him : and tell me,haft thou not found him a tuffpeíce?didit thou ever meet with inch an one in theworld before ? To confider a thing is to try all wayes how togain it, or how to campafs fuch a thing : as Samuel rSam. 9. 20. fail to Saul when he was feeking,his fathers Aires, Asfor thine AJfes that were loft, Jet not :thy mind on them; that is, do not trouble thy felf, do not beat thy brains to confider which way togo to find them, or where it is molt probable to get them. So here, thou haft fat thy Mind or confidered my fervant job,that is, thou haft beat thy brains, and fat all thy wits on work what courfe to take with greateftadvantage to deítroy my fervant job, Take the words in that fence,and they yield us this inllruEtion; That Satans main, temptations, hid ftrongeft batteries are plant edagainft the mojt eminent Godlyperfons. When Satan fees a man that is eminent in grace, againft him he makes his hottaft and fübtileft affaults :he fats his heart upon fuch a man,yea and vexeth his heart too about him. Satan is moil bufie at holy duties (One faid,he faw in a vifion ten devils at a Sermon, and but one at a Market)and about holy perfons. As for others, he doth not trou- ble himfelf about them, for they (as the Apoftie ¡haws) are led captive by the devil at hid will ; if he doth but mhijtle (as it ware) z Tim, 2,26. theyeafily follow him and come after him prefently, fo that he needs not let his heart or vex himfelf about theme But when he cometh to a job, he fats all his wits and all his ítrength awork, bends all his thoughts to confider what courfe to takci;o affault filch a ffrong holdof grace : If he cangePatch a mandown; then there is