To the thefe glorious iflùes ofour troubles /ballbe,is inhis hand, who held Job's elate in hishand, fo fast, that Satan could not touch a Sheep nor a fhoe-latchet,till himfelfwil- led: andwho,whenhip timecaane,reflored Jobs eihate double, to a Sheep and a fhoe-latchet, whether Satan and hisSabe- ans would or no.We have already feen,in Job, anEpitome of ourformer prosperity andof our prefent troubles, thegood Lord haften the latter part of our National likenefs unto him,in thedoubled (andO that itmight be afèven-fold)re- ftaurationofourPeace and Truth. In the mean time thefe Meditations upon this Scripture, . well digefed&_taken in,may be(through the bleflùig ofGod upon them)ei help to our patience, in bearing thefe afic`. ions upon the land, a help- to our faith in believing, and to our hope inwaiting for the Salvation of the Lord - Whatsoever things were writtenafore-tire,werewritten for our learn- ning(buithis B00% was purpofely written) that we through patience and-comfort of thisScripture might have hope.Nor do ifdoubt ,but that theProvidence ofGod(without which a Sparrow fads not to the groúnd)directedmy thoughtts to thin Eco%,as(not only profitable for all times,but)fpecially feafo- nable.far thefe times. Itis a word in feáfon, and therefore Jbould, as a word upon theWheels, make a fpeedypafiage into all our hearts : Andhow Ibould it not?while we remew- ber that these Wheels are oyI'd-with blood, even with the heart-blood of thoufands of our dearest friends and brethren. Ifand,that' this is not the farm time, that this Book bath beenundertaken by way ofExpofition,in fuch a time as this. Lavater,a faithfulMini,/ter of the Tigurine Church,opened thisScripture in preaching, and Printed it in the German tongue, which was afterwards published in Latine by Hart- mantis Sprunglius as himfelfexpreffes in the ritle)to i"up- port and refresh the afiCiedminds of thegody in that lad (as;